The Dinghy weekend

A recent full weekend was run for dinghies: thanks to dedicated help from regular dinghy sailors and teachers, a lot of people overcame their uncertainty or lack of knowledge about dinghies, getting wet, what the gennaker actually does (and why it’s different from a spinnaker), and had good fun. Our trusty Surveillance boat put in a lot of hours (and petrol!) ensuring no-one came to any harm, thanks Christian (pictured) and Rob.

It has to be admitted, winds were not, errr, challenging, for most of that weekend: we old salts know that as soon as the weather gets hot, winds abandon us until the autumn. That is a slight exaggeration but remains fact-based - like the old chestnut that if Mont Blanc is wearing a hat of clouds, it’ll rain soon! It was still wet-suit weather, for safety and because voluntary capsizes were on the programme - until you have done a few, you do not overcome a natural fear of them and they are an integral part of sailing a small dinghy competitively.

Meanwhile down the Geneva end of the lake, “YCC Crew” (also known as Helpers) were thanked on Friday evening by the Club for the work they do: yes, the Good Ship Neptune had been reserved for the evening (which requires months of advance planning in itself, thank you Patrizia). All too few people were free to come but a score or so of your Crew wassailed a perfect evening away (slight winds, but we did hoist the lateen sails - briefly!), over a triangle past Corsier and our own Port Choiseul. An unreal Hollywood full moon rose strategically alongside Mont Blanc at exactly the right moment - a great evening!

Fair winds from your YCC Committee