The Hardronic Festival doubles in size

The Hardronic Festival is one of the most popular events of the summer at CERN. Given its big success and the huge number of bands wanting to perform, this year the organisers have decided to hold it over two and a half days. Don’t miss it on the evening of 16 July and all day on 17 July!

Simon Baird, EN Deputy Department Leader and President of the Music Club, is proud of the Club's success. Established in 1985, the Club now has more than 100 members from CERN and outside. “Several bands use our rehearsal room in Building 566, and this year 16 bands wanted to perform at the Hardronic Festival, our flagship event”, says Simon. “We wanted to give all of them a reasonable amount of time on stage and thus we extended the duration of the Festival”.

The Club has become very popular. Its rehearsal room, fully equipped with two pianos, amplifiers, drum kits, microphones, speakers, etc., has reached its booking capacity. “The facility is booked all the time. We are looking for a new room, possibly at CERN. Having a new room would help the Club a lot! We also rent material to members when they play in clubs in the local area”, says Simon.

The idea of organizing a music party for the staff originally came from Silvano De Gennaro (currently a member of the Communication Group), who organized the first Hardronic Festival in 1989. “We held the Festival on the terrace of Restaurant No. 1”, recollects Silvano. “Only a few groups performed but the initiative was so successful that we had to find a different location to host the Festival and avoid disturbing the neighbouring hospital”. However, the spirit of the Hardronic Festival hasn’t changed over the years and the organiser still recall the original slogan invented by Silvano for the first edition: “Have fun together to work better together”.

So, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy listening to your colleagues playing on the Hardronic Festival’s stage! Join in the fun on the terrace of Restaurant No. 3 on the Prévessin site on the afternoon of Friday, 16 July and all day on Saturday, 17 July.

More information can be found at:




by CERN Bulletin