CERN Academic training programme 2010

20, 21, 23 and 24 September 2010
11:00-12:00 - Main Auditorium, Bldg. 500
Detector Developments for the High Luminosity LHC Era
by Dr. Arno Straessner (TU Dresden)

Monday 20 September
Calorimetry and Muon Spectrometers - Part I : In the first part of the lecture series, the motivation for a high luminosity upgrade of the LHC will be quickly reviewed together with the challenges for the LHC detectors. In particular, the plans and ongoing research for new calorimeter detectors will be explained. The main issues in the high-luminosity era are an improved radiation tolerance, natural ageing of detector components and challenging trigger and physics requirements. The new technological solutions for calorimetry at a high-luminosity LHC will be reviewed.

Tuesday 21 September
Calorimetry and Muon Spectromers - Part II: When upgrading the LHC to higher luminosities, the detector and trigger performance shall be preserved - if not improved - with respect to the nominal performance. The ongoing R&D for new radiation tolerant front-end electronics for calorimeters with higher read-out bandwidth are summarized and new possibilities for the trigger systems are presented. Similar developments are foreseen for the muon spectrometers, where also radiation tolerance of the muon detectors and functioning at high background rates is important. The corresponding plans and research work for the calorimeter and muon detectors at a LHC with highest luminsity are presented.

Thursday 23 September
Tracking Detectors - Part I.
Calorimetry, muon detection, vertexing, and tracking will play a central role in determining the physics reach for the High Luminosity LHC Era. In these lectures we will cover the requirements, options, and the R&D efforts necessary to upgrade the current LHC detectors and enabling discoveries.

Friday 24 September
Tracking Detectors - Part II.
Calorimetry, muon detection, vertexing, and tracking will play a central role in determining the physics reach for the High Luminosity LHC Era. In these lectures we will cover the requirements, options, and the R&D efforts necessary to upgrade the current LHC detectors and enabling discoveries.

Organiser: Maureen Prola-Tessaur/PH-EDU

by PH Department