Biocell Training course mandatory for accessing the LHC tunnel from 1 December 2010

Following the incident in Sector 3-4 on 19 September 2008, which led to a major helium release in the LHC tunnel, measures have been put in place to reinforce safety awareness and training for all those accessing the tunnel.

One of the actions taken was to create a hands-on safety course on how to put the Self Rescue Breathing Apparatus (Biocell) on. The course is entitled “Biocell Training” and started late summer 2009. To date some 1350 people have been trained, although roughly 1700 people have access to the LHC machine tunnel. With the training capacity in place, it is feasible to train everyone with access before the coming Christmas technical stop, which will start in December 2010.

The “Biocell Training” course has clearly shown the necessity of training the personnel. In addition, the feedback from the participants is very positive.

In the light of the conclusion reached by HSE, DSOs and the GLIMOS of the LHC experiments, successful completion of the “Biocell Training” course will be a mandatory prerequisite for accessing the LHC tunnel as of 1 December 2010.

Sign up
Enrolment for the Biocell training course can be done from DGS home page/Safety Training/Safety Training for me/Safety Training Catalogue/Health and Safety at Work/Biocell Training

by CERN Bulletin