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ISOLDE takes big science to nanoscale

New materials that could replace the semiconductors currently used in Blu-ray and other electronic devices, cost-efficient silicon for a new generation of solar panels, innovative investigation techniques for archaeology, biophysics and biochemistry…behind all this are the studies using nuclear hyperfine interactions. Of paramount importance in such studies is the availability of a large variety of radioactive ion beams: at CERN, these are produced by the ISOLDE facility. >>

A little bit of legal history

On Monday 18 October, a little bit of legal history will be made when the first international tripartite agreement between CERN and its two Host States is signed. This agreement, which has been under negotiation since 2004, clarifies the working conditions of people employed by companies contracted to CERN. It will facilitate the management of service contracts both for CERN and its contractors. >>

The Latest from the LHC: hitting the target luminosity for 2010!

Thanks to a significant increase in the number of bunches in each beam, the 2010 target peak luminosity of 1032 cm-2 s-1 was reached on 14 October 2010, with further progress made in the following days. Soon, the attention of the LHC operators will turn to operation with lead ions throughout November.   >>

Towards a new approach to the labour law applicable to contractors’ personnel

On 18 October, CERN and its two Host States will sign agreements on the labour law applicable to the personnel of contractors operating on the CERN site. Once they have entered into force, the agreements will facilitate execution of service contracts for both firms and CERN, and will provide the personnel concerned with better security and more stability. >>

Come and share the passion

CERN's Recruitment Unit has set itself the ambitious goal of enhancing the visibility of employment opportunities across the broad spectrum of the Organization's activities in all the Member States. CERN is now present on all the main social media sites.  >>

Orienteering World Cup hosted by CERN Club

Elite runners took to the streets of Geneva for the last leg of the Orienteering World Cup, from 8-10 October. The Geneva finals were hosted by the CERN Orienteering Club and concluded months of competitions held across 5 countries. >>

Ready, steady, SORT!

The selective or ecological sorting of waste is already second nature to many of us and concerns us all. As the GS Department's new awareness-raising campaign reminds us, everything we do to sort waste contributes to preserving the environment.    >>

Making Restaurant No. 1 greener

The extension of a section of the terrace of Restaurant No. 1, which was part of the infrastructure consolidation programme that began in April 2009, will be completed at the end of this year. The new terrace will have an area of 1770 m² (compared with 1650 m²  today) and will stretch the length of the restaurant extension.   >>

A CERN flag is set to wave up in the Himalayas

On 18 October, Hubert Reymond, from the Industrial Controls and Engineering group of the EN Department, will be leaving to Nepal with a CERN flag in his backpack. He will place it at the highest point of his trek across the Annapurna mountains in the Himalayas, Thorong La pass, at 5,416 m above sea level. >>

Brand-new signage for the CERN shuttles

If, after reading the title of this article, you're striving to remember what the signs for the CERN shuttles look like, then you just hit the nail on the head: we bet that only a few people can actually do so. In order to make it easier for CERN users to move around the CERN sites, a graphic restyling of the shuttle signage has been implemented. You will start to see the new timetables in the coming days. >>

The Pays de Gex celebrates science

From 18 to 23 October, the Fête de la Science will be celebrated at various venues in the Pays de Gex and at CERN. >>

Awards and Honours

Graphene collects the Nobel prize >>

Homage to Endel Lippmaa, distinguished scientist and politician

Recently, during the last TOTEM collaboration meeting, one of its most eminent members, Professor Endel Lippmaa, celebrated his 80th birthday. TOTEM was proud to pay homage to his impressive list of achievements. >>

Ombuds' Corner: Supervisor and supervisee

Starting with this issue, the Bulletin introduces a new series of articles aiming to better explain the role of the Ombuds at CERN. We will publish practical examples of situations of potential misunderstanding that could have been resolved by the Ombuds if he had been contacted earlier. Please note that, in all the situations we present, the names are imaginary and used only to improve clarity.   >>

Literature in Focus - “At the Leading Edge: the ATLAS and CMS LHC experiments”

edited by Dan Green Too often descriptions of detectors focus on the “what” and not the “why”. >>

News from the library : Working with words? The Chicago Manual of Style is there to help

Among the many useful resources the Library can offer you, the style manuals occupy a central role. >>

Official News

Education fees: Indexation of the amounts for accommodation, meals and school transport for the 2010-2011 academic year  
REMINDER - Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent children aged 20 to 25  

Training and Development

CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses  

General Information

Geneva University - Exotic hadrons, Light Higgs and Dark Forces at BABAR  
Registration Service  
Blood Donation Campaign  
Parking regulations on the CERN sites  
Holland at CERN – Industrial exhibition  
Quantum revolution  
Film Presentation: Projekt Zukunft/Tomorrow Today  

Staff Association

Staff Association declaration at TREF meeting on 5th October 2010  