

The Invisible Web

There is an invisible web beneath CERN that keeps the entire system going. It often goes unnoticed, yet is responsible for transmitting the vast amounts of data produced at CERN: the optical fibre network. >>

Delivering new physics at impressive speed

The speed with which the heavy ion run at the LHC is delivering new physics is impressive not only for the insights it is bringing to the early Universe, but also for the clear demonstration it gives of the value of competition and complementarity between the experiments. >>

The Latest from the LHC: The success of the lead ion run continues

The success of the lead ion run continues, with the 2010 target of 121 nominal bunches achieved on Sunday, 14 November, just 10 days after the first ions were injected into the LHC. Operation under these conditions continued until Wednesday morning, when it was interrupted for a scheduled stop to replenish the lead ion source. By this time a peak luminosity of 2.8 1025 cm-2 s-1 had been reached, and over 2 µb-1 had been delivered to the experiments.   >>

Do atoms and anti-atoms obey the same laws of physics?

ALPHA physicists have recently succeeded in trapping anti-atoms for the first time. Being able to hold on to the simplest atoms of antimatter is an important step towards the collaboration’s ultimate goal: precision spectroscopic comparison of hydrogen and antihydrogen. The question they are seeking to answer: do atoms and anti-atoms obey the same laws of physics? The Standard Model says that they must. >>

The CERN Global Network opens its doors to companies

Six months after its launch, the CERN Global Network already has almost one thousand members. Today, it is opening its doors to companies from CERN's Member States. This will open up a variety of new professional and career opportunities to all the members and will enhance the networking capabilities of all parties involved.   >>

Restaurant No. 1 seating capacity increases by 240

These days you need patience when looking for a seat in Restaurant No. 1 to eat your lunch. The opening of the new dining room, which will increase the restaurant’s seating capacity by 240, should alleviate the problem and improve service.   >>

A rendez-vous with history

François de Rose, one of the founding fathers of CERN, visited the Laboratory. On this occasion, CERN organised a ceremony for his 100th birthday.   >>

New psychologist at CERN

A new psychologist, Sigrid Malandain, started work at CERN on 1 November. The psychologist’s office, formerly part of the Social Affairs Service in Human Resources, has now moved to the Medical Service (office 57-1-024). It is open every Tuesday and Thursday. >>

A very special Physics Class gets a flavour of the “spirit of CERN”

On 9 and 10 November, forty members of a very special physics class visited CERN for the first time. They came from the Royal Swedish Academy… does that ring a bell?    >>

The colours of CERN

Would you move into an office painted in a colour you hate? As we all know, taste in colour is individual. Thanks to the establishment of a new Painting Charter, conflicting opinions will be unified.   >>

That’s a matter for ALICE!

ALICE has launched a new online newsletter to report on developments at the detector: ALICE Matters. The fortnightly newsletter will keep members of the collaboration – and a wider readership – up-to-date with the latest news from the detector.   >>

Behind the scenes at LHCb

A new book chronicling the journey of LHCb has just been published: “LHCb: the collaboration in photos”. It takes readers through the creation of the detector, from the project's inception to the construction of the site and final operation. >>

EIROforum welcomes the European XFEL as a new member

The European research facility XFEL has become the eighth member of EIROforum. Just as political and economic interests have become unified within Europe, scientific research is benefiting from a similar alliance.   >>

From the Geosphere to the Cosmos

On 1 -2 December, the European Network ASPERA will be organising the “From the Geosphere to the Cosmos” workshop at the Palais de la Découverte in Paris. The LIDO platform, 3D-radiography projects for volcanoes, and CERN’s CLOUD experiment are among the interdisciplinary projects that will be presented at the workshop.   >>

A Lego version of ATLAS

There's nothing very unusual about a small child making simple objects out of Lego. But wouldn't you be surprised to learn that one six-year old has just made a life-like model of the ATLAS detector?   >>

Ombuds' Corner: Users and Staff Members

In this series, the Bulletin aims to explain the role of the Ombuds at CERN by presenting practical examples of misunderstandings that could have been resolved by the Ombuds if he had been contacted earlier. Please note that, in all the situations we present, the names are fictitious and used only to improve clarity. 

News from the library: CERN Bookshop christmas sales

If you are looking for an idea for your Christmas gifts, the Bookshop of the Central Library offers you a wide choice of titles in Physics, Mathematics and Computing. >>

Official News

Dear CERN and ESO Colleagues and Retirees  

Training and Development

CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses  

General Information

Car stickers for 2011  
Snow-clearing operations  
End-of-year closure - Mail Office  
Geneva University - Physics Colloquium  
The CERN Electronics Pool moves to Building 13  
Music, videos and the risk for CERN  
ACCU Meeting  
CERN Shop - Christmas Sale in Bldg. 33  
Information from the central stores  
Publication of the bulletin  
New Computer Account Management System on 22 November  

Staff Association

Automobile Club  
Cine Club  
Concerned for Humanity club  