Geneva University - Physics Colloquium

Lundi 13 décembre 2010, 17h00
École de Physique, Auditoire Stückelberg

What does the history of CERN teach us?
A dialogue about the past and future of CERN

Prof. Dominique Pestre
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

The aim of the conference is to present the questions that the historians of CERN have identified as decisive in the success of CERN, and to discuss if they might still be of interest and importance today.

The conference will consider, inter allia, the political nature of CERN, the way CERN has been presented and perceived in the past by the public, the way people (civil society as we now say) now consider science and technologies, how public policies have evolved vis-à-vis fundamental research over the last decades, how innovation and entrepreneurship have acquired such a new key status. But the conference will also consider what was the impact of CERN's own choices of development, of European ways of organizing relations between research in physics and technological development, between the physics community and other disciplines, etc.

The conference is intended to open a round table with the participation of invited guests, that will mainly deal with CERN’s present situation and its future challenges.

Une verrée en compagnie du conférencier sera offerte après le colloque.

Prof. Markus Büttiker

by Geneva University