Federal census of the population in Switzerland

A federal census of the 2010 population has been underway since January 2011. The objective is to provide important insights into the composition of the resident population, households and families in Switzerland and identify trends.

The census methods have been modernised so that it covers only information that is not already contained in Federal, Cantonal and municipal registries of persons; the information will be gathered via questionnaires issued to approximately 3% of the population residing in Switzerland.

In order to obtain representative information about the local population, the Canton of Geneva has requested that questionnaires be issued to international civil servants and members of their families aged 15 and over who live in the Canton. They will be invited to respond to the questionnaire on a strictly voluntary basis. If they choose not to respond to the questionnaire, they will not be contacted again.

The Permanent Swiss Mission to the International Organizations in Geneva wishes in advance to thank those members of the personnel of CERN who choose to participate in this census.

We wish to remind you that international civil servants of Swiss nationality and members of their families have the same obligation to respond as the rest of the population.

Relations with the Host States Service
Tel. 72848


by DG Unit