TV Programme Presentations: Kreuz und Quer
TV Programme Presentations: Kreuz und Quer: Im Anfang war das Teilchen-CERN und die Frage nach Gott by ORF (2010) and Faszination Wissen: CERN-LHC by Bayerisher Rundfunk (2010)
ORF’s Kreuz und Quer: Im Anfang war das Teilchen-CERN und die Frage nach Gott presents a debate on science and religion and their relationship. The film by Stefanie Mahler and Niki Popper leads a discussion between physicists and theologians on the basis of such questions as what role does coincidence play vs. what is the human responsibility and whether there is a place for God between all these questions and answers. Even in these modern times, 80% of the mass distributed in the universe is made of an unknown origin.
Bayerisher Rundfunk’s Faszination Wissen: CERN-LHC, CERN physicists explain the exciting physics searches underway at the Large Hadron Collider. By colliding protons that have been accelerated to almost the speed of light, the LHC is able to create the conditions that existed just after the Big Bang. Physicists are carefully analyzing these collisions to better understand the Universe. Their focus is on the hunt for the Higgs boson and understanding dark matter and dark energy, as well as finding some interesting surprises.
Kreuz und Quer: Im Anfant war das Teilchen-CERN und die Frage nach Gott
will be presented on Thursday, 21 April from 13:00 to 13:30
Language: German
Faszination Wissen: CERN-LHC will be presented on Thursday, 21 April from 13:30-14:00
Language: German