News from the Library: E-book or printed book? You can have the best of both worlds!
Over the last couple of years, the Library has been expanding its collection of electronic books. The most popular titles are, of course, also bought as paper copies and are available for loan.
More than 15,000 titles, across all CERN-relevant disciplines, are now available for download from the Library. Recently, Springer physics and astronomy books, as well as all volumes from Lecture Notes in Physics, were added. So, from now on, readers will not have to queue up for popular books such as "Particle Accelerator Physics" (Wiedemann) or "Particle Detection with Drift Chambers" (Blum, Rolandi and Riegler), which are often in high demand.
From left to right: Tullio Basaglia (CERN Library), Christian Caron (Springer) and Wim van der Stelt (Springer).
In addition to providing electronic access, the publisher offers people at CERN the possibility to purchase paperback copies, distributed under the label “My Copy”, for the tempting price of €25 (shipping and handling included, local VAT will be added), no matter what the list price of the book itself. In some cases, the MyCopy price can be a tenth of the normal publisher’s price! Samples of MyCopy books are on display in the CERN Bookshop located in the Central Library (52-1-52).
A single click gives you access to e-books 24/7, wherever you are - and now you can even get paper copies shipped directly to your door by the publisher.
Springer e-books at CERN.
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by CERN Library