CERN Mobility Survey
The Institute of Shipping and Transport of the University of the Aegean and the National Technical University of Athens are partners with CERN in a study of mobility patterns between and within the CERN sites and to that effect have realized a mobility survey dedicated to the CERN community.

The study aims to understand:
- How you presently get around the CERN sites;
- What problems you encounter regarding mobility;
- What your needs are;
- What improvements you’d like to see;
- What measures you would like to see implemented most.
The replies we receive will enable us to define a general policy promoting the diversity of mobility at CERN and to establish and quantify the strategic actions to be implemented for both the short and medium term.
The objectives of the transport mobility plans are to:
- Facilitate mobility within and between the CERN sites by identifying adequate solutions in response to individual needs according to individual profiles, activities and preferences;
- Prepare the Organization to accommodate an increasing number of Users and visitors and to define appropriate mobility policies;
- Favour green transport alternatives.
A mobility policy largely relies on successfully collaborating with the users. This survey will help identify ideas and user needs regarding the Organization’s mobility plan. It will also enable us to identify and define future mobility patterns and a strategy for successfully addressing increasing mobility needs.
You are all part of this mobility plan, so please let us have your opinions!
Thank you in advance for your help.
Nb: Your replies will remain confidential.