Croquet & lawn bowls


The season is well underway and several events have taken place:

  • the Opening Event on 30th April, a PRO-AM doubles tournament, was won by Danny Davids
  • in May the Swiss team of Ian Sexton, Norman Eatough, Danny Davids and Dave Underhill won the Rheingold Pokal at CERN in resounding fashion, with 33 wins against Germany’s 13 and Austria’s 8.
  • in June the Swiss team of Ian Sexton, Norman Eatough and Dave Underhill competed in the European Team Championship in Cheltenham, England, in May, coming 2nd in the Continental Nations’ Trophy behind Spain and 6th overall
  • on July 2nd, Norman Eatough won the Swiss Golf croquet Handicap championship
  • on July 8th Barbara Perkins won the Women’s Swiss Golf croquet championship, for the third successive year
  • on July 10th, Ian Sexton won the Swiss Golf croquet championship
  • in mid-July, Dave Underhill is competing in the World Golf croquet championship in London.

The English Croquet Association team will play the Swiss team at CERN on August 13/14th.

The Czech Republic team will play the Swiss team at CERN on August 27/28th.

The club meets for its Social Night every Monday, and a monthly mini-league involves all members in keenly-contested matches, pools changing according to each month’s results.

For further information, please contact:
Norman Eatough: Email: OR 0033450412187 OR

Lawn Bowls

A small group play every Wednesday morning.

For further information, please contact:
Denis Hill: OR 022 757 2556.


par Croquet & lawn bowls