Public meetings: important changes to prepare the future
The summer holidays are over. And like every year around this time the Staff Association comes to meet you in your Departments to inform you about the topics currently being discussed at CERN. We count very much on the exchange of views and opinions between you and us that takes place during these meetings. Once again in 2011 there are a wide range of topics to be discussed. We shall also explain you why we need to see a maximum number of motivated candidates stand at the forthcoming elections for the Staff Council in November 2011. For all these reasons we invite all of you to attend our public meetings.
Overview of the topics to be discussed
- New rules for our health insurance as of 1st January 2012
- General aspects (general rules, ceilings, bonus)
- Replacement of annual deductible by three reimbursement rates
- Benefit changes (hospitalisation, optics)
- New benefits (UAT/UAP, refractive surgery, prevention)
- Recognition of Merit – MARS
- Outcome of last exercise
- 2007 to 2011 : lessons learned
- STOP harassment
- Code of Conduct, CERN Ombuds
- OC9, HIP
- General information
- CVI 2012
- Voluntary programmes
- Elections 2011
- Renewal of Staff Council 2012–2013