Geneva University: Particle Acceleration in supernova remnants and its implications for the origin of galactic cosmic rays

École de physique
Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
Tél.: (022) 379 62 73
Fax: (022) 379 69 92

Wednesday 28 March 2012

11h15 - Science III, Auditoire 1S081

Particle Acceleration in supernova remnants and its
implications for the origin of galactic cosmic rays

Prof. Pasquale BLASI
INAF, Arcetri Observatory, Firenze

The process of cosmic ray energization in supernova remnant shocks is described by the theory of non linear diffusive shock acceleration (NLDSA). Such theory is able to describe the acceleration itself, the dynamical reaction of accelerated particles on the shock, and the crucial phenomenon
of the magnetic field amplification, the very key to generate high energy cosmic rays. I will illustrate the basic aspects of this theoretical framework, as well as its successes and problems. I will then discuss the observations, in X-rays and with Fermi-LAT and Cherenkov telescopes in the gamma rays that can provide tests of the so-called supernova remnant paradigm for the origin of cosmic rays. The implications of NLDSA for observations of cosmic ray spectra, composition and anisotropy will also be discussed. Finally, I will illustrate some new ideas on particle acceleration in partially ionized media that hold to promise to provide an unprecedented way to look at the
sources of cosmic rays.

ORGANISER: Mrs Gabriella Pasztor

by Université de Genève