Got a call from "Microsoft"? The social way infecting your PC
Have you recently been called by “Microsoft Security”? At home!? Then beware: these are fake calls trying to make you install malicious software on your (home) PC!
This scam is currently prevalent throughout the Geneva area, targeting many different international organizations and companies. If you receive such a call, just ignore it and hang up. If you have fallen for this scam and followed their pleas, please contact us at
This kind of scam is called “Social Engineering”. Some “Microsoft” call-centre agent informs you that your PC is infected and will try to convince you to download some software from the web. If you do – BANG – your PC is compromized and your local data is at stake. In other Social Engineering scams, the attackers try to convince you to give them your password or sensitive documents. Thus, recall that the real Microsoft will never call you – and definitely not on your home number. Nor will Apple, the CERN Computer Security or the CERN Service Desk (unless you have asked them to). If someone does, just ignore them and hang up, and let us know at In particular, if someone was asking for your password.
Better be aware and proactive! Recall that your passwords are yours – and only yours. No legitimate person will ever ask for it: not the CERN Service Desk, the Computer Security nor your supervisor. Also, PayPal, Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, UBS, etc. will never ever ask you for your passwords. Regularly patching your Windows or Linux PCs, as well as Apple Macs, is mandatory and the best line defense your PC/Mac can have – at home as well as at CERN. For Windows and Macs it is even strongly recommended to run anti-virus software. The CERN anti-virus is also available for free for your home PC or Mac. Finally, taking care (STOP – THINK – CLICK!) when browsing the web or opening emails is a good habit to protect your assets.
Follow those easy hints for a basic level of computer security awareness… at CERN as well as at home!
For further information, please check our web site: or contact us at
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