

Public meetings


Fitness Club

Open to All: Boxing Your supervisor makes your life too tough ! You really need to release the pressure you've been building up ! Come and join the fit-boxers. >>

Croquet Club

The Swiss Advanced Championship was played on Sunday 16th at the CERN CROQUET CLUB in glorious sunshine. >>


Thursday 4 October 2012 at 20:30 CERN Council Chamber Take the Money and Run Directed by Woody Allen (USA, 1969) With: Woody Allen, Janet Margolin, Marcel Hillaire Woody Allen’s feature-film... >>

Women's club

Coffee MorningTuesday 9th October 2012, 9:00 – 11:00 Bldg 504 (Restaurant No 2 – DSR) 1st Floor, Club Room 3 Presentation of the charity to benefit from the Christmas Sale “Nous aussi”. >>


    Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels.     >>


... >>

Interfon – Monsieur Leeman Robert Mail : – Tél. (+ 41) 076 265 46 68 Blog : >>

News Articles

A Siberian delivery  
Updating Europe’s strategy for particle physics  
Interview with Agnieszka Zalewska  
LHC Report: Tests of new LHC running modes  
Proton-ion collisions: behind the scenes of an exotic interaction  
Delving into the heart of materials  
President of the Slovak Republic visits CERN  
PARTNER’s farewell  
All change at the CERN UBS branch  
CERN@school: a new app displays natural radiation data  
Got a call from "Microsoft"? The social way infecting your PC  
Ombuds’ corner: Speech for the defense of leadership  
News from the Library: Digital signage: what is it?  
Gilles Trachez (1969-2012)  

Official News

Forthcoming indefinite contract review procedure  

Training and Development

Technical training - Places available  


Accidents can happen to any of us, whether we are on foot, cycling or driving  


Séminaire de physique corpusculaire  
PS Booster - Festive colloquium  
Meeting of the Large Hadron Collider Committee