Administrative circular n°23 (Rev. 3) – Special working hours

Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 3) entitled “Special working hours”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 11 October 2012 and entering into force on 1 January 2013, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department.


This circular is applicable to staff members and fellows.

It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 2) entitled “Special working hours” of December 2008.

Paragraph 6 a) of Annex II of this circular was revised following the modification of Article III 1.04 of the Staff Regulations approved by Council on 14 December 2012. The modification serves to adapt the minimum rest time to the fact that, in case of rapidly alternating shifts, a maximum of seven consecutive shifts may be performed.

Department Head Office
HR Department