The greater picture

Strike of the European civil servants

Two representatives of the CERN Staff Association, who attended a conference of Staff Committees of European Agencies in Brussels, participated in the strike of the European civil servants on 8th November. Indeed, more than 500 people were demonstrating in front of the Commission against the attacks on their working conditions.  By solidarity, our representatives joined them.

The governments of the richest countries want large cuts in the Union European budget, especially in the administration costs, cuts of up to 15 billion, presently the European parliament does not follow.

This could result in pension fund reforms, going from 1/3 2/3 repartition of the contributions to 1/2 1/2, which is unacceptable especially for low salaries. Besides, reduction of staff of 5 %, or even 15 % is seriously considered. 2004 saw already a diminution of the working conditions at the Union European, will 2013 make even more damages?

The AASC (Assembly of Agency Staff Committees) and the Union European reject such reforms that would cut job, encourage precarious status and deteriorates the working conditions in all European agencies. Our two representatives showed their solidarity, and this will not be the last time. Please do never forget that our future could also depend on Europe and its budget.

by Staff Association