

The LHC at level best

On 10 March, a team of CERN surveyors descended into the LHC tunnel. Their aim: to take measurements of the height of the LHC magnets to see how geological shifts might be affecting the machine and to take reference positions of the machine before the interconnects are opened.  >>

A bountiful spring harvest

Although we recently put the clocks forward and spring has officially begun, the view from my window looks more autumnal – befitting of the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, rather than that of sowing seeds for the future. Which, in a way is appropriate. With the LHC paused, we are reaping a kind of harvest in the form of recognition for our efforts. >>

LS1 Report: across the accelerator complex

The warm-up of the first LHC sector (5-6) is now complete; it is at room temperature for the first time in over three years. Next week, the W bellows in this sector will be opened in preparation for the consolidation of the superconducting circuits, splices and interconnections (the SMACC project). Elsewhere in the LHC, the ELQA tests and the warm-up of the remaining seven sectors are proceeding as planned. >>

Modernisation of the CERN operational dosimetery system

 As part of continual efforts to ensure the highest standards in the field of Radiation Protection, CERN is modernising its operational dosimetry system. >>

VIP access for Very Important Particles

From 12 to 14 March, 100 data acquisition specialists from ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb took part in a workshop* to share their experiences and exchange ideas. This gave the Bulletin the opportunity to take another look at some of the principles of data acquisition. >>

4 months in 1 minute

In Bulletin 49-50/2012 we published an article entitled “Stopping the haemorrhage” (to read the article, click here) about the installation of the new cryogenic infrastructure in SM18, in the part of the hall devoted to the testing of radiofrequency (RF) cavities and beam accelerator cryomodules. From December 2012 to March 2013, we have been following the progress of the work. Ready? Action! >>

The Passport to the Big Bang: a trail of discovery of CERN and its sites

Sunday 2 June 2013 will see the launch of CERN’s Passport to the Big Bang, a scientific tourist trail linking ten of the Laboratory’s sites in the Pays de Gex and the Canton of Geneva. CERN is organising a public event to celebrate the launch and needs lots of volunteers – you could be one of them! >>

September 2013: the doors open

Three special days and one public open day: at the end of September our Laboratory will open its doors to visitors from CERN, the local region and all over the world. With over 150,000 visitors expected in total, the organisation of the OpenDays is a challenge that a core team of eleven people have taken up with enthusiasm. >>

Marking over 50 years of Franco-German understanding

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty between France and Germany, which established a basis for cooperation between the two countries in order to set the seal on a lasting peace, secondary school pupils came to CERN to research the Franco-German relationship. >>

The Staff Association: because you’re worth it

A new logo, a new website and now we’re on Facebook: the members of the rejuvenated Staff Association of CERN want to take this opportunity to remind you that the SA is open to everyone. All you have to do is join. >>

CERN–Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics in Peru

The 7th CERN–Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics was held in Arequipa, Peru, from 6 to 19 March 2013. The School is held every other year in a Latin-American country. This was the first time it had been hosted in Peru – a choice that reflects the increasing development of high-energy physics in the country, including collaboration in ALICE and experimental neutrino physics. >>

New arrivals

On Tuesday 12 March 2013, recently recruited staff members and fellows were welcomed in the framework of the second part of the Induction Programme. >>


Aren’t we innovative and creative people? Building complex accelerators and doing sophisticated physics analysis is not easy and requires a lot of excellent brains. Some items of hardware are pure works of art, worthy of a place in an art museum. Some software takes advantage of all the finesse of computer science to optimize every last bit of computing power. So, yes. We are. Innovation and creativity are our middle names. >>

Spring report of the Pension Fund

In this column, the Chairman of the Pension Fund Governing Board (PFGB) presents the Board's latest main decisions, initiatives and accomplishments to the Fund's members and beneficiaries. >>

Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (1932 - 2013)

Massimiliano (Max) Ferro-Luzzi, a well-known CERN physicist, passed away on 18 March. He grew up in Asmara (Eritrea) and studied at Rome University, where he joined the nuclear emulsion group of Edoardo Amaldi and graduated in 1955. His research work was an investigation of antiproton reactions in emulsions exposed at Berkeley's Bevatron. Right from the start, as would be typical throughout his career, he combined careful analysis of data with special attention to technical improvements (the automation of track measurement in this case) and better instruments. >>

Training and Development

Technical training: places available  
Management and communication courses – Places available  
Self-Rescue Mask Training  
French courses  
Safety Training: places available in April 2013  


Have you seen an A3 white artists folder containing an original storyboard?  
CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School 2013 open for applications  
CERN Library and Art@CMS present Artist and Painter Xavier Cortada and CMS Physicist Pete Markowitz  
Catalysed fusion: a very different book about CERN  
Move! Eat better: Do you walk more than 10,000 steps a day?  
Prévessin site – Pedestrian and cycle entrances  
The 36th CERN School of Computing visits Cyprus: Apply now!  


Stress and back pain: who can escape?  
Frank Close presents his book "Neutrino" and a forthcoming book on Bruno Pontecorvo  
Physics Colloquium | 15 April  
Talk | Physical preparation before a sports competition | 16 April  

Staff Association

The Staff Association and you  
CERN Choir  
Dancing Club  