The Staff Association and you
The Staff Association, your representative with the Management and the Member States
The article VII 1.01 of the Staff Rules and Regulations (SR&R) provides that “the relations between the Director-General and the personnel shall be established either on an individual basis or on a collective basis with the Staff Association as intermediary”.
This essential role of the Staff representatives, of being the spokesperson of the entire staff of the Organization vis-à-vis the Director-General and the Members States, is achieved through regular participation in the various joint advisory committees defined in the SR&R. The most important are the Standing Concertation Committee and the TREF, tripartite forum where your representatives meet with the Member States delegates, in the presence of the Management, to explain the position of the staff on the various issues concerning employment conditions. The Finance Committee also gives the opportunity to the Staff Association to express its views on relevant topics.
The Staff Association, a persuasive strength… thanks to you!
To properly perform its role as representatives mentioned above and being credible in front of its interlocutors, the Staff Association needs a large support of the staff, i.e. from all of you! Become a member of the Staff Association, come to our public meetings to be informed, share your concerns with your delegates to the Staff Council. Express your views by answering our surveys and participate in the demonstrations we organise when we need to show your massive support to our decision-makers. All united, we will be stronger to obtain that CERN not only be a laboratory of scientific excellence, but also an example of an innovative employer in the social field.
The Staff Association, it’s you!
In June 2014, the CERN Council will decide the content of the five-yearly review of employment conditions, which will be completed at the end of 2015 (5YR 2015). Through a survey, in autumn of this year, the Staff Association will ask you which topics on employment conditions are your main concerns. Then, during the first discussions of next year with the Management, your answers will be crucial and will allow us to assign an order or priority to our requests for the 5YR 2015. And, as if you did not already guess, this review will be a tough one…

The years 2014 and 2015 will therefore be critical. Come and support us to defend and constructively develop our employment conditions. Join the Staff Association. Take an active part in the life of the Staff Association by keeping regular contacts with your delegates and colleagues. Vote to elect your delegates, and, why not, become a candidate to the Staff Council elections, which will take place next November.
From the beginning of 2014, the new Staff Council emerging from those elections will have the difficult task to defend the priorities of the staff for the content of the 5YR 2015 before the Management and the Member States at the TREF. At the end of 2014 and during the year 2015, the Staff Council will ensure that the proposals prepared by the Management will continue to attract, motivate and retain staff of the highest competence from all Member States. Commit yourself; take your future in hand!