

Results of the 24 July blood donation

"Bravo! A huge success! A big thanks to everyone involved for their valuable participation this summer," says Ms. Troillet, the nurse responsible for the Transfusion Centre (CTS) at HUG. >>

Open Days: information on CERN parking

The organising team for the Open Days (28-29 September) would like to inform you that some parking sites in Meyrin and Prévessin will have to be kept free as of 18 September for the installation of tents and marquees. >>

Safety Bulletin 2013-1

The HSE Unit has just released the Safety Bulletin 2013-1 entitled “When the alarm rings, you must leave!”. >>

News Articles

Growing Pains  
Our world is everyone’s!  
LS1 Report: Shielding operations  
Curious about how the Pension Fund is securing your future?  
Science stand-up at CERN  
Common ground in ILC and CLIC detector concepts  
Baton twirling on an international stage  
CAS course on advanced accelerator physics in Trondheim, Norway  
New arrivals  
Don't tempt me!  
Philippe Defert (1954 - 2013)  

Official News

Elections to the Senior Staff Advisory Committee (“The Nine”) 2013  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in September 2013  
Technical training - places available  
Language courses  


2013 CERN Road Race  

Staff Association

Goodbye, dear friend, thank you for everything  
Public meetings  
2013 Elections to Staff Council  
Club de pétanque  
Orienteering Club  
Visual arts club  
Yoga club  
Ski club  
Fitness club  
Dancing club  