Fitness club
Nordic Walking Classes
Come join the Nordic walking classes and outings offered by the CERN Fitness Club starting September 2013. Our licensed instructor Christine offers classes for people who’ve never tried Nordic Walking and who would like to learn the technique, and outings for people who have completed the classes and enjoy going out as a group.
Course 1:
Tuesdays 12:30 - 13:30
24 September, 1 October, 8 October, 15 October
Course 2:
Tuesdays 12:30 - 13:30
5 November, 12 November, 19 November, 26 November
Outings will take place on Thursdays (12:30 to 13:30) from 12 September 2013.
We meet at the CERN Club Barracks car park (close to Entrance A) 10 minutes before departure.
50 CHF for 4 classes, including the 10 CHF Club membership. Payments made directly to instructor.
Renting Poles:
Poles can be rented from Christine at 5 CHF / hour.
Please subscribe at:
Looking forward to seeing you among us!
Fitness Club
by Fitness club