Register now for ISOTDAQ 2014
CERN is inviting final-year undergraduates and masters and PhD students taking lessons in physics, computer science and engineering to take part in the 5th International School of Trigger and Data Acquisition (ISOTDAQ2014).
The course comprises a series of lectures and practical sessions at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, in Budapest, Hungary, from 28 January to 5 February 2014. The school will cover topics from trigger electronics to data acquisition software, network architecture and more.
The main aim is to provide an overview of the basic instruments and methods used in high-energy physics, spanning from small experiences in lab to the very large experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The concepts taught also apply to fields outside high-energy physics, such as data acquisition in astrophysics.
The Wigner Centre recently became a major extension of CERN's computing facilities, hosting an extension of Tier 0 activities of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid.
Please note that though the lectures and labs are completely financed by supporting institutions, a €450 fee is required from the students to cover accommodation, lunches, coffee and social dinner.
Applications are accepted until 1 November.
Find out more about the school here or register here.
par Markus Joos, on behalf of the organizers