HEPTech Academia – Industry Matching Event on Control Systems for Accelerators and Detectors
The HEPTech AIME (Academia – Industry Matching Event) on Controls for accelerators and detectors will take place from 2 to 3 December in Athens, Greece.
The HEPTech network invites you to Demokritos NCSR to participate in an event that aims to bring together Academia and Industry to share ideas and potential applications of Controls Technology. The event will provide an overview of current Controls Systems for large scale projects including the LHC, the CMS and ATLAS detectors, medical accelerator facilities and contributions from companies active in these fields.
The programme will also address some of the challenges faced by future High Energy Physics projects in the controls area and provide a glimpse into the future requirements of research infrastructures such as the European Spallation Source (ESS), and the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), while exploring different possible approaches to the commercialisation of controls technology.
The event is open to anyone with interest in the areas addressed whether from Academia or Industry. It aims to provide a forum where participants can exchange ideas and foster future collaborations in this area.
More information can be found here.
par Anastasios Charitonidis (FP/KT), on behalf of the organizing committee