CERN Accelerating science




2014 European School of High-Energy Physics

Dear Colleagues, >>

CERN School of Computing: second thematic school next spring

tCSC2014 continues the concept prototyped last year. It aims to complement the existing portfolio of CSC events: the historical main summer school, organised since 1970, the inverted CSCs (iCSCs) organized since 2005, and the special schools, as organised in 2006 in Bombay. >>

Safety and communication, a winning combination

Since 2013, in line with its mission to support CERN’s proactive communication policy in matters of safety, the HSE unit has been following an annual plan for disseminating information on occupational health and safety and environmental protection. >>

A pilot eduroam service at CERN

Eduroam is a secure, worldwide roaming Wi-Fi access service developed for the international research and education community. It allows people from participating institutions to obtain an Internet connection when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop. >>

Lights on for daytime driving: mandatory from 1 January 2014

In accordance with the Swiss Federal Decree of 15 June 2012, it will be mandatory from 1 January 2014 to keep your vehicle lights permanently switched on when driving on Swiss territory. >>

Snow, ice… and other reasons to be cheerful!

CERN’s roads, car parks, pavements and pedestrian areas cover an area of 60 hectares in total. The EN-HE Group is responsible for clearing snow from and salting the roads and car parks. The GS-IS Group, through its contracts for the cleaning and maintenance of green spaces, is responsible for clearing the snow from, salting and sanding the pavements, pedestrian routes and entrances to buildings, and for replenishing the bins of silica sand*, which will be used in place of salt in the bins from now on. >>

2014 CERN Accelerator Schools

A specialised school on Power Converters will be held in Baden, Switzerland, from 7 to 14 May 2014. Please note that the deadline for applications is 7 FEBRUARY 2014. >>

E-cigarettes forbidden in offices and closed areas

Be reminded that all people on the CERN site must comply with the following notice from the Medical Service: “In the same manner as for ordinary cigarettes, the use of e-cigarettes is forbidden in all offices and closed areas. >>

News Articles

Frédérick Bordry takes up his new position  
A collaborative adventure  
LS1 Report: Setting the bar high  
"At CERN, the infrastructures come second to the people behind them"  
A new “sounding board”  
Israel, CERN’s new Member State  
The lab of fame  
Safety at your service  
Exploring Horizon 2020: opportunities for CERN under the new EU Framework Programme  
When CERN goes out to meet people  
CERN, accelerator of motivation  
The end of encryption  
An encounter with your cigarette butt… at the seaside?  

Official News

Extension of the pre-retirement programmes  
Official holidays in 2014 and end-of-year closure 2014/2015  
To all members of personnel in receipt of remuneration from CERN  
Election to the Board of the Mutual Aid Fund  
Annual adjustments to 2014 financial benefits   
Health insurance for "frontaliers"  

Training and Development

English and French courses  
Safety Training: places available in January 2014  
Personal development and communication courses – Places available  


Lift conference | 5-7 February  
12th Industrial Exhibition “Germany at CERN“: 28 and 29 January 2014  

Staff Association

Public meetings  
Staff Association  
Cern Golf Club  
Rugby Club  
Cern Wowen's Club  
Results of the questionnaire: Come and discuss with us  
Dancing Club  