Taxation in France: Public meeting on Wednesday 19 March 2014

A public meeting will take place on Wednesday 19 March from 1.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. in the Main Auditorium (500/1-001).


At this meeting, Mr Jean-Louis Brandolin and Mr Gérard Polizzi, Head and Deputy Head respectively of the private citizens and companies income tax office at the Public Finance Centre in Bellegarde, will advise members of the CERN personnel domiciled in France on tax-related matters.

The agenda will include questions of principle that appear to be on the minds of many members of the personnel, such as the definition of tax domicile, the content of the income-tax declaration form (reference to CERN income and declaration of other income from a French or non-French source), the declaration of bank accounts outside France and the obligation (under certain conditions) to pay the CSG-CRDS withholding.

This meeting will only address questions of principle and we expressly invite you not to ask questions on personal matters.

For all questions on personal matters, such as how to complete the various sections of your tax form according to your personal circumstances, you are kindly asked to refer to the instructions attached to the declaration form or to contact directly the Service des Impôts des Particuliers (office of taxation for private citizens) for your place of residence.

Please note that this meeting will be held in French.

HR Department
Contact: 73903