

News Articles

Polarisation confirmed  
Celebrating with our neighbours  
LS1 Report: PS Booster prepares for beam  
From the drawing board to the test bench  
Data defenders  
The "Karma Level Sexy Bottom" awards are back at CERN  
Winter Atomiades 2014: CERN skiers win 31 medals!  
Behind the scenes of GS: nothing left to chance  
Computer Security: improve software, avoid blunder  
Ombuds' Corner: Signs of our times?!  
Werner Albrecht (1924 - 2014)  
Jacques Spalter (1929 - 2014)  

Official News

Compulsory declaration of the loss or theft of property and of serious events: New rules and reminder  

Training and Development

Safety training: places available in May  
Technical training: places available  


Reminder of the conditions of use for CERN’s picnic areas  
Launch of the "MICE Procurement" website for your future events  
4th annual Safety Day: full of colour!  
Safety Day Prize Competition: results and answers  
Gran Sasso Summer Institute 2014  
Volunteers wanted for CERN 60th anniversary  

Staff Association

CERN Pensions: A constructive proposal  
Taux de change 2013  
Cern Cricket Club  
Club Orientation  
Visuals arts club  
Dancing Club