2014 CERN Accelerator Schools: Beam Loss and Accelerator Protection
The US-CERN-JAPAN-RUSSIA Joint International Accelerator School is organising a course on Beam Loss and Accelerator Protection to be held in Newport Beach, California, USA from 5-14 November, 2014.
This school is intended for physicists and engineers who are or may be engaged in the design, construction, and/or operation of accelerators with high power photon or particle beams and/or accelerator sub-systems with large stored energy. Application deadlines are 15 August and 4 September.
Further information on this Joint School can be found at:
- http://cas.web.cern.ch/cas/JAS/Newport%20Beach%202014/NPBadvert.html
- http://indico.cern.ch/event/287647/
- http://uspas.fnal.gov/programs/JAS/JAS14.shtml