60th anniversary celebrations: events in the coming 10 days

This is an eventful week. Read this summary and don’t miss these unique events!


Saturday 20 September: Particle Fever film screening and Comedy Night show: the event is sold out but the discussion that will take place between 8.45 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. will be available on webcast.

Thursday 25 and Friday 26 September: Researchers' Night - POPscience. To make the Researchers' Night even more POPular, CERN will meet its public outside the Laboratory: at FNAC Rive, the Salle Centrale Madeleine (free entrance, reservation possible), and the Théâtre du Bordeau in Saint-Genis-Pouilly. A unique mix of arts, poetry, theatre, music, science and encounters.

Friday 26 September: From Physics to daily life colloquium in the Main Auditorium will feature talks by several scientists and experts of the technologies that have changed our life. The webcast in English and French will be available from 9 a.m.

Monday 29 September: Official ceremony to celebrate CERN’s 60th Anniversary: the ceremony is by invitation only, the live webcast is available at http://www.cern.ch/webcast. Live transmission will be available in the IT auditorium (31-3-004), the Council Chamber (503-1-001), the Main Auditorium on the Meyrin site (500-1-001) and the Main Auditorium on the Prévessin site (864 – 1-D02 ) from 1.30 p.m. onwards.

Tuesday 30 September: Concert to celebrate CERN's 60th anniversary - The CERN Choir hits the high notes: tickets (from 13 CHF to 60 CHF) are on sale at various outlets in Geneva. They will also available at the venue, one hour before the concert, and online.