Where students turn into teachers: the eighth Inverted CERN School of Computing
For the eighth time since 2005, the CERN School of Computing (CSC) has organised its inverted school, which will take place at CERN on 23 and 24 February 2015, in the IT Auditorium (Room 31/3-004).
The idea for inverted CSCs stemmed from the observation that at regular CSCs it is common to find students in the room who know more on a particular (advanced) topic than the lecturer. So why not try and exploit this and turn the students into teachers?
CSC2014 students made proposals via an electronic discussion forum, from which a programme was designed. This year’s programme focuses on challenging and innovative topics, including: the evolution of processor architectures, the growing complexity of CPUs and its impact on the software landscape, exploring clustering and data processing, the importance of message passing in high-performance computing, the development of applications across heterogeneous systems. There will be also lectures on applied computing used in the simulation of longitudinal beam dynamics problems typical of the accelerator sector.
Attendance is free and open to everyone. Though most of the lectures are part of a series, the programme is designed so that lectures can be followed independently. Registration is not mandatory, but will allow you to obtain a copy of the full printed booklet (first registered, first served).
The inverted schools are one key step in a process that's been in place for several years to identify and train young new lecturers for the main School. This year’s main school will take place in September in Kavala, Greece and the thematic school in Split, Croatia, next May.
For further information on the CERN School of Computing, see http://cern.ch/csc or contact computing.school@cern.ch.
- Vincent CROFT National Institute for Subatomic Physics (NIKHEF), RU-Nijmegen, Netherland
- Helvi HARTMANN Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany
- André PEREIRA LIP-Minho, Braga, Portugal
- Pawel SZOSTEK CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
- Helga TIMKO CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Programme overview
Monday 23 February 2015
09:00-09:15 Welcome
09:15-09:30 Introduction to the inverted CSC
09:30-10:30 Basic concepts in computer architectures - Pawel Szostek
11:00-12:00 Numerical Methods of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics - Helga Timko
13:30-14:30 Exploring EDA - Vincent Alexander Croft
14:30-15:30 Multi-core processors and multithreading - Pawel Szostek
16:00-17:00 Numerical Challenges & Limitations of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics - Helga Timko
Tuesday 24 February 2015
10:00-11:00 Taking Raw Data Towards Analysis - Vincent Alexander Croft
11:00-12:00 Challenges of Modern High Performance Computing - Helvi Hartmann
14:30-15:30 Message Passing - Helvi Hartmann
16:00-17:00 Frameworks to Aid Code Development and Performance Portability - Andre Pereira
Alberto Pace, Director,
CERN School of Computing