Highlights from e-EPS: the 2015 EPS High Energy Physics Prize winners

The EPS High Energy Physics Division announces the winners of its 2015 prizes, which will be awarded at the Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics (EPS-HEP 2015), Vienna (Austria) 22−29 July. Many people from CERN were among the winners.


The 2015 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize, for an outstanding contribution to High Energy Physics, is awarded to James D. Bjorken “for his prediction of scaling behaviour in the structure of the proton that led to a new understanding of the b interaction”, and to Guido Altarelli, Yuri L. Dokshitzer, Lev Lipatov, and Giorgio Parisi “for developing a probabilistic field theory framework for the dynamics of quarks and gluons, enabling a quantitative understanding of high-energy collisions involving hadrons”.

The 2015 Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize, for an outstanding contribution to Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology in the past 15 years, is awarded to Francis Halzen “for his visionary and leading role in the detection of very high-energy extraterrestrial neutrinos, opening a new observational window on the Universe.

The 2015 Gribov Medal, for outstanding work by a young physicist in Theoretical Particle Physics and/or Field Theory, is awarded to Pedro G. Vieira “for his groundbreaking contributions to the determination of the exact spectrum of anomalous dimensions of N=4 supersymmetric Yang- Mills theory and scattering amplitudes, for any interaction strength.

The 2015 Young Experimental Physicist Prize, for outstanding work by one or more young physicists in the field of Particle Physics and/or Particle Astrophysics, is awarded to Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus “for his outstanding contributions to the investigation of particle collisions at the LHC through the analysis of jet quenching and multiparticle correlations in the ALICE experiment“, and to Giovanni Petrucciani “for his outstanding contributions to the optimisation of the tracking in the CMS detector, the Higgs boson discovery and the measurements of its properties.

The 2015 Outreach Prize, for outstanding outreach achievement connected with High Energy Physics and/or Particle Astrophysics, is awarded to Kate Shaw “for her contributions to the International Masterclasses and for her pioneering role in bringing them to countries with no b tradition in particle physics.

This article is from e-EPS News.

by Thomas Lohse, e-EPS News