

CAST explores the dark side of the Universe

Following the search for axions, candidates for dark matter, CAST is widening its scientific horizon by searching for chameleons, hypothetical particles postulated as an explanation for dark energy.   >>

News from Council

Today concludes a very busy week for Council. As you’ll have seen from the press release this morning, Council elected a new President, who will take up his mandate on 1 January along with the new management team, which was also approved by Council yesterday. >>

LHC Report: 1,033 bunches per beam and counting

Following the second technical stop, the first beams were injected into the LHC in the early evening of Saturday, 5 September. About ten days later, the machine was operated with around 1,000 bunches per beam.  >>

In the mood for modules

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This is especially true when it comes to safety: how can we improve our safety culture in the best possible way? The Safety Training section thinks the solution lies in better safety courses, so CERN's e-learning package is being redesigned. Future e-learning courses will be smaller but more efficient, covering all the specific risks present at the Laboratory. >>

ICTR-PHE: scientists engage with multidisciplinary research

In 2016, the next edition of the unique conference that gathers scientists from a variety of fields will focus on many topics particularly dear to the heart of physicists, clinicians, biologists, and computer specialists. The call for abstracts is open until 16 October. >>

Calling all LEGO lovers! Add a mini control room to your collection

The mini LHC Lego project launched in March (see here) now has almost 6,000 supporters - well on its way to the 10,000 votes needed for it to (hopefully!) hit store shelves. This week, the project added a new feature to its line: a mini control centre! >>

Science pops in Balexert

From 8 to 12 September, a CERN exhibition was held in the central area of the Balexert shopping centre in Geneva. The various activities on offer attracted large crowds. The celebrations are continuing with events planned by POPScience for Researchers' Night on 24 and 25 September. >>

A busy week for Arts@CERN

Last week, Semiconductor – the winners of the Collide@CERN Ars Electronica award for 2015 – and artists Francesco Mariotti and José­-Carlos Mariátegui visited CERN and met the scientists. >>

From the CERN web: top quarks, incubation centres, TEDxCERN and more

This new section highlights articles, blog posts and press releases published in the CERN web environment over the past weeks. This way, you won’t miss a thing... >>

Computer Security: in the name of CERN

This summer, the American/Canadian dating website Ashley Madison was successfully compromised by a group of hackers (see here) who subsequently published tons of confidential information: addresses, dates of birth, e-mail addresses, ethnicities, genders, names, passwords, payment histories, phone numbers, security questions, sexual preferences, usernames and website activity. >>

Ombud’s Corner: Boss, where are you?

Sometimes bosses seem to wear Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak: always caught in meetings, away on duty travel, overwhelmed with technical duties… the time they have left to spend with their teams can drop down to almost zero. But their people need them… >>

Johan Dieperink (1940 - 2015)

We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of our former colleague and friend, Johan Dieperink, on 28 August, at the age of 75. >>

Recall campaign for gas bottles and banks

The previous contract with gas supplier Carbagas ended on 31 March 2015. Gas bottles and banks are not a property of CERN. According to the contract terms, they can remain on CERN sites without any extra costs until 30 September 2015.  >>

Exhibition | L'Origine - a voyage between science and art | Centre Culturel Jean Monnet | 19-30 September

... >>

Official News

Education fees – New forms  
Documents issued by the french ministry of foreign affairs and international development  

Training and Development

Places available – Leadership programme (up to the end of 2015)  
Places available - Personal development and communication courses (up to the end of 2015)  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  


Register now for ISOTDAQ 2016  
Recall campaign for gas bottles and banks  
Lync becomes “Skype for Business” on Windows  
Roof renovation of buildings 128 and 129  
Are you a movie lover? Do you enjoy speaking other languages?  
Work on the Building 4 car park and closure of Entrance A  
Traffic modifications on Routes Rutherford, Democrite and Fermi  


Exhibition | L'Origine - a voyage between science and art | Centre Culturel Jean Monnet | 19-30 September  
Diversity in Action conference | Council Chamber | 30 September  
Win tickets to see Eddie Izzard! | Uptown Geneva | 1 October  
CERN Road Race | 7 October  
Scientific discussion | Unifying physics and technology in light of Maxwell's equations | Royal Society, London | 16-17 November  
Lecture | Accelerating innovation... in medicine: cancer research on the ALICE accelerator | 28 September  

Staff Association

Public meeting  
2015 Elections to Staff Council  
CERNois et contributions sociales françaises CSG et CRDS  
Cine club  
Dancing club  
Learning classical music club  
Orienteering club  