CERN Accelerating science




New gate for pedestrians and bikes on Prévessin site   >>

Telephony user survey   >>

CERN Entrepreneur Mixer | 21 June | Pas perdus   >>

10% discount at Novae restaurants for students   >>

Applications open for THE Port 2016: Humanitarian Hackathon   >>

The sun and its impact on your health - Use it, don't abuse it   >>

The CERN Accelerator School

Introduction to accelerator physics >>

Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference | 15-20 May 2017 | Shanghai

The fifth Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics will be held in Shanghai and hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the period of May 15-20, 2017. >>

Speed limit on the Route de l’Europe

Construction work to create a cycle path is under way on the Route de l’Europe, between CERN’s Meyrin and Prévessin sites. The new cycle path is expected to be ready for use in August.   >>

"Innovation on big data for healthy living" | Summer School | 27 June - 6 July 2016

IBD4Health explores advanced topics related to big data computing and analytics for health and wellbeing, with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurial awareness. >>

SaferNanoDesign Summer School | 13-18 June

A bioHC Summer School - 13-18 June 2016 - European Scientific Institute, Archamps, Haute-Savoie. >>

News Articles

Six new projects will bridge gap between CERN and society  
Why diversity means more than just gender  
LHC Report: staying cool despite record highs  
CERN's IT Consultancy Team: a new IT project support service  
Come and play with HEAL in Microcosm!  
Horses help to maintain CERN's forests  
High Energy Sailors  
Baby falcon rescued on CERN site  
Computer Security: drive-bye   
Ombud’s Corner: are you being served?  
Thomas Walter Bannerman Kibble (1932 - 2016)  
Irene Vichou (1964 - 2016)  
Catherine Magnier (1968 - 2016)  

Official News

Director general presentation to personnel  
Next HR Department public meeting  
Change to mobile telephony coverage and billing in France  
Elections to the Mutual Aid Fund  


Join the CERN ISEF special award winners | 16 June - 3 p.m.  
Presenting CineGlobe Estival! | 6 - 10 July  
Science Me! | 09-10 July | Geneva  

Staff Association

A page is turned with the departure of Anne-Sylvie Catherin  
Echo calling: What were the factors that enabled CERN to become the world's top fundamental research laboratory ?  
Cine club  
Croquet club  