Changes at the helm but still on course at the Staff Association
On Tuesday, August 2, the Staff Council elected the next Executive Committee of the Staff Association. The new team will take office on September 1, 2016.
The election was announced in Echo on July 11. In fact, according to the Statutes of the Staff Association, the resignation of the President leads to the election of a new Executive Committee and the appointment of a new Bureau.
The list for the new Executive Committee was presented at the meeting of the Staff Council on July 19. The objective is to ensure continuity by following the political line of the previous team and the Staff Council elected in November 2015. In this light, it is hardly a surprise that 13 out of the 14 members on the newly elected Executive Committee are also members of the outgoing team.
Moreover, a number of statutory posts must be filled by the members of the Executive Committee to form the Bureau of the Staff Association: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The new Bureau has four members, three of whom are also members of the current Bureau. In this respect, too, continuity is valued in the interest of the CERN personnel, since the Staff Association’s efficiency is founded on a detailed knowledge of certain issues.
The Staff Association is a democratic organ. Every two years all of you, the members of the SA, elect your representatives to the Staff Council. The power is in the hands of these staff delegates.
The Executive Committee is elected by the Staff Council from among its members. It can be considered as a type of “government”, in charge of defining the political line, which needs to be approved and controlled by the Staff Council.
Finally, the Bureau, as a subset of the Executive Committee, is in charge of managing the day-to-day business, as well as representing the Staff Association in discussions with the Management, the personnel and the representatives of the Member States.
In the table below, you will find the list of the members of the newly elected Executive Committee. We will all work for you, to represent and to defend you, in your best interest and in that of the Organization. Together we wish you a wonderful summer and nice holidays!
First Name Last Name | Dep/Unit | Bureau |
Sandrine Baudat | FAP |
Rachel Bray | IR |
Sébastien Evrard | EN |
Nicolas Delruelle | TE |
François Duval | EP |
Juan Garcia Perez | TE |
Serge Grillot | EN |
Céline Grobon | EP | Treasurer |
Catherine Laverrière | HSE | Vice-President |
Isabelle Mardirossian | EP | Secretary |
Ghislain Roy | BE | President |
Yves Sillanoli | TE |
Almudena Solero | FAP |
Nick Ziogas | IPT |