CERN Accelerating science



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The children's Christmas party of CERN

Wishing you all a happy holiday season, looking forward to seeing you next year! >>

CERN Football Club

CERN Football team is a gathering of all nationalities who can put aside their differences to play a beautiful game. >>

Skiing season in Praz de Lys

The Staff Association is pleased to present the partnership offer to its members, with Praz de Lys. To benefit from these advantages, please send us an email with the details of your order, you will then need to collect your ski passes and pay them in cash at the Staff Association secretariat: 64-R-010. >>

Exhibition - Shelter for Science - Ukraine

08 to 19  January >>

Projection: The Rescuers, of David Parel

Tuesday 30 January 2024 at 5.30pm >>