CERN Accelerating science



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Staff Association Public Meeting

Monday 12 February at 3.30 p.m. >>

New Staff Council – 2024-2025 mandate

Since then, 7 staff representatives have resigned from the Staff Association. The composition of the Staff Council (CP) has therefore changed. >>

Partner offer: Skiing season in Praz de Lys

The Staff Association is pleased to present the partnership offer to its members, with Praz de Lys. To benefit from these advantages, please send us an email with the details of your order, you will then need to collect your ski passes and pay them in cash at the Staff Association secretariat: 64-R-010. >>

Partner offer: BCGE

The details of the programme and the preferential conditions are available on request at the Secretariat of the Staff Association. >>

Outing to the CERN Science Gateway

They love to explore, observe, classify, manipulate, compare and so on. They wonder about the different elements in their environment by asking lots of questions: “Why is the sky blue? why is the snow melting?”. >>