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CERN Accelerating science

BE Papers

Latest additions:
Measurement for the $e^+$ beam purity at the CERN-SPS H8 beamline / Bisio, Pietro (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) ; Celentano, Andrea (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) ; Marsicano, Luca (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) ; Bondi, Mariangela (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)) ; Marini, Anna (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
This Note describes the $e^+$-beam purity measurement for the H8 beamline of the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN. This study was performed in the context of the POKERINO prototype characterization, conducted during a week of measurements in the summer of 2023 at the H8 beamline. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2024-002; POKER-NOTE-23-12.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 4 p. Preprint: PDF; External link: Approve this document (restricted)

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Vertical Shape determination of a stretched wire from oscillation measurements / Fleig, Luisa Fabiola (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE)) ; Herty, Andreas (CERN)
The Geodetic Metrology group at CERN uses stretched wires as a reference for the position monitoring and alignment of accelerator components. [...]
- 2022. - 1 p.
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Measurement and alignment of the TIDVG5 SPS beam dump / Vendeuvre, Camille (CERN) ; Bestmann, Patrick (CERN) ; Barcet, Florian
During the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2 2018-2021) the CERN injector complex was upgraded to meet the future High Luminosity-Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) re- quirements [...]
- 2022. - 6 p.
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SurveyPad, a common interface to Geode & data processing tools / Lewandowski, Przemyslaw (CERN) ; Ducceschi, Remi ; Klumb, Francis (CERN)
The metrology and alignment of components installed in accelerators is a very complicated process requiring many calculations to ensure the best performance of the CERN complex. [...]
- 2022. - 6 p.
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Structured laser beam in non-homogeneous environment / Polak, Krystof (Liberec Technical University (CZ)) ; Gayde, Jean-Christophe (CERN) ; Sulc, Miroslav (Liberec Technical University (CZ))
This article summarizes part of the research related to the structured laser beam (SLB) properties focused on align- ment. [...]
- 2022 - 7.
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Introduction to Structured laser beam for alignment and status of the R&D / Gayde, Jean-Christophe (CERN) ; Polak, Krystof (Liberec Technical University (CZ)) ; Sulc, Miroslav (Liberec Technical University (CZ))
A new method of generating a Structured Laser Beam (SLB) has been proposed recently. [...]
- 2022. - 7 p.
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Detection of structured laser beam centroid and its use for alignment / Dusek, Martin (Liberec Technical University (CZ)) ; Polak, Krystof (Liberec Technical University (CZ)) ; Gayde, Jean-Christophe (CERN) ; Sulc, Miroslav (Liberec Technical University (CZ)) ; Mergelkuhl, Dirk (CERN) ; Niewiem, Witold Grzegorz (ETH Zurich (CH))
A Structured Laser Beam (SLB) [1] is a pseudo-non- diffractive optical beam. [...]
- 2022. - 5 p.
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A quality assurance approach for the Full Remote Alignment System / Herty, Andreas (CERN) ; Dandekar, Mamta Shrikrishna (CERN) ; Fleury, Sarah Agathe (CERN) ; Naegely, Anne Valerie (CERN) ; Rude, Vivien (CERN) ; Sosin, Mateusz (CERN)
The Full Remote Alignment System is a multi-sensor monitoring and alignment system for the position de- termination and adjustment of accelerator components in the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider. [...]
- 2022. - 6 p.
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Long shutdown 2 LHC smoothing status and data analysis / Fuchs, Jean-Frederic (CERN) ; Widuch, Kacper (CERN)
During the two-year Long Shut-Down 2 (LS2), triggered by the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project, the CERN surveyors took in charge the smoothing of the 27km com- ponents of the LHC to guarantee its best beam aperture and energy performance for the RUN3 between 2022 and 2026 [...]
- 2022. - 7 p.
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LGC: Analysis and pratical example of direct levelling observations referenced on the CERN local Geoid model / Kautzmann, Guillaume (CERN) ; Klumb, Francis (CERN)
Direct levelling is performed extensively in the CERN surveying processes for accelerator elements’ alignment and positioning. [...]
- 2022. - 6 p.
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