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CERN Accelerating science

Bulletin Events

Latest additions:
Exhibition for the 45 years of the Long-Term Collections | 11-14 October | Main building
Exposition pour les 45 ans des Collectes à Long Terme | 11-14 octobre | Bâtiment principal
/ CERN Staff Association
The Long-Term Collections (LTC) of the CERN staff celebrate 45 years at CERN by organising an exhibition in the Main Building from 11 to 14 October 2016.   Since 1971, under the auspices of the Staff Association, the LTC have supported 74 humanitarian projects to help the least fortunate people on the planet [...]
BUL-EV-2016-058.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016 Fulltext: CLT-expo-oct2016_image - JPG; CLT_automatic payment_file - PDF; CLT_automatic payment_1_file - PDF;

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Coding Pi Science Day | 7-8 October
Codez la science avec le Pi | 7-8 octobre
Are you a science or technology teacher, or a student between 12 and 18 years old with a strong interest in science?   The CERN Micro Club and CERN IdeaSquare (in partnership with Google Education and EU Code Week) is organising an exceptional educational event around three scientific kits based upon the Raspberry Pi mini-computer: The Poppy Ergo Jr Robotic Arm, invented by the Flowers project team at Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest Research Center, ENSTA Paris Tech (French Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique).   The Muon Hunter Cosmic Ray Detector kit, designed as a partnership between Mihaly Vadai and members of the CERN Micro Club. [...]
BUL-EV-2016-057.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 Fulltext: slide-ergo-jr_image - JPG; PPPW_workshop_image - JPG;

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Springer Publishing Booth | 4-5 October
Stand des éditions Springer | 4-5 octobre
In the spirit of continuation of the CERN Book Fairs of the past years, Springer Nature will be present with a book and journal booth on October 4th and 5th, located as usual in the foyer of the Main Building. Some of the latest titles in particle physics and related fields will be on sale.   You are cordially invited to come to the booth to meet Heike Klingebiel (Licensing Manager / Library Sales), Hisako Niko (Publishing Editor) and Christian Caron (Publishing Editor) [...]
BUL-EV-2016-056.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016

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Humanitarian Hackathon @CERN | 14-16 October | Are you ready?
Hackathon humanitaire au CERN | 14-16 octobre | Êtes-vous prêts ?
THE Port is ready for the third edition of its hackathon with eight new challenges. Join us to discover how science can make a huge difference in people's life. [...]
BUL-EV-2016-055.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 40/2016 41/2016 Fulltext: QRCode_image - PNG; Poster_THEPort_image - PNG;

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Workshop on Promoting Particle Physics Worldwide | Friday 7 October | 09:00 – 14:00 /
BUL-EV-2016-054.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 38/2016 39/2016 40/2016 Fulltext: PNG;

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Science Writing Workshop | 5 October | 09:00 – 15:00 /
BUL-EV-2016-053.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 38/2016 39/2016 40/2016 Fulltext: PNG;

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KT seminar on entrepreneurship | "From CERN engineer to company founder: my journey" by Julio Lucas | 26 September
Séminaire KT sur l'entrepreneuriat | « From CERN engineer to company founder: my journey » par Julio Lucas | 26 septembre
Europe needs its economy to be boosted by the ideas of its most talented scientists and engineers. One of the best ways in which these ideas may contribute to society is by creating a new business [...]
BUL-EV-2016-052.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 38/2016 39/2016 Fulltext: JPG;

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“France@CERN” 2016 | 3-4 October
Exposition industrielle « La France au CERN » | 3-4 octobre
Come and meet 37 French companies at the 2016’s edition of “France@CERN”, that will take place on October 3 and 4.   Thanks to Business France, the national agency for the international development of the French economy, 37 French firms will have the opportunity to showcase their know-how at CERN [...]
BUL-EV-2016-051.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 38/2016 39/2016 40/2016

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Diversity Programme | Tasneem Zahra Husain presents her book “Only the Longest Threads” | 4 October / Diversity Programme
“Only the Longest Threads”, by Tasneem Zahra Husain. Tuesday 4 October 2016 - 15:30 Room Georges Charpak (Room F / 60-6-015) *Coffee will be served after the event* Tasneem Zehra Husain is a string theorist and the first Pakistani woman to obtain a PhD in this field. [...]
BUL-EV-2016-050.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 38/2016 39/2016 40/2016

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CERN Library | Carlos Chimal presents his book "El Universo en un puñado de átomos" | 26 September / CERN Library
"El Universo en un puñado de átomos", by Carlos Chimal. Monday 26 September 2016 - 16:00 Room Georges Charpak (60-6-015)   What have in common Swiss filmmaker Alain Tanner, Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges, French philosopher Voltaire, Spanish writer Cervantes, English playwright Shakespeare and Particle Physics? El Universo en un puñado de átomos is a chronicle about the relationship between literature, arts, science and technology around HEP. [...]
BUL-EV-2016-049.- 2016 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 38/2016 39/2016

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