2020-04-17 16:21 |
From library.cern website CERN Library bookdata On this page you find the Bibliographic Data from Books in the catalog (CDS) of CERN Library as download. The actual data export is from 6.12.2009. [...]
15 October 2017
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2020-04-17 15:45 |
CERN Archive Committee (discontinued in 2004)
From library.cern website The CERN archiving policy is entrusted to the Director-General of CERN. The Director-General usually delegates authority for decisions on archival matters to the Archive Sub-committee (formerly the Archive Committee), represented by its Chairman. [...]
19 August 2012
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2020-04-17 08:04 |
CERN Working Group for Acquisitions (suspended in 2015)
From library.cern website The Working Group for Acquisitions - WGA (supended in 2015) deals with any matters related to the acquisition of scientific literature and development of library collections and services..
03 October 2015
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2018-11-04 09:56 |
Chasing a particle that is its own antiparticle
/ by Ana Lopes ; Ana Lopes (ed.)
Neutrinos weigh almost nothing: you need at least 250 000 of them to outweigh a single electron. But what if their lightness could be explained by a mechanism that needs neutrinos to be their own antiparticles? The ATLAS collaboration at CERN is looking into this, using data from high-energy proton collisions collected at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
One way to explain neutrinos’ extreme lightness is the so-called seesaw mechanism, a popular extension of the Standard Model of particle physics [...]
01 November 2018
Screenshot: PNG; External links: Fulltext; The ATLAS experiment at CERN. (Image: Maximilien Brice/CERN)
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2018-11-04 09:56 |
ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Career Networking Event 2018
/ Anais Schaeffer (ed.)
You are invited to register for this year's networking event enabling current postdocs and graduate students to meet alumni of the LHC experiments.
Monday, 12 November 2018 from 8:45 a.m. to 11 p.m., CERN, Main Auditorium (500/1-001)
This event offers an insight into career opportunities outside of academia [...]
02 November 2018
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2018-11-04 09:55 |
Conférence de réseautage 2018 de ALICE, ATLAS, CMS et LHCb
/ Anais Schaeffer (ed.)
Inscrivez-vous à la conférence de réseautage de cette année, destinée à encourager les rencontres entre postdoctorants et diplômés et les alumnis des expériences du LHC.
Lundi 12 novembre 2018, de 8h45 à 23h00, CERN, amphithéâtre principal (500/1-001)
Cette conférence vous donnera un aperçu des perspectives professionnelles en dehors du contexte académique. D'anciens membres des collaborations LHC présenteront des exposés, participeront à une table ronde et feront part de leur expérience du travail en entreprise dans différents secteurs (industrie, finance, informatique, etc.) [...]
02 November 2018
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2018-11-04 09:55 |
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2018-11-04 09:55 |
Meeting on "Non-equilibrium superconductivity & spintronics"
/ Anais Schaeffer (ed.)
The British Royal Society is organising a scientific meeting entitled "Non-equilibrium superconductivity and spintronics". It will take place on 25-26 February 2019 at Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire (UK).
The meeting will bring together leading researchers in the fields of magnetism and superconductivity to discuss the potential mechanisms, which can be exploited to develop superspintronic devices.
The meeting will include a poster session: the call for abstracts is currently open [...]
02 November 2018
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2018-11-04 09:55 |
Giving input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics
/ Kate Kahle (ed.)
On 28 September 2018, the CERN Council formally launched the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, a two-year process involving the whole community and aiming at developing a common vision for the future of particle physics in Europe. The process is expected to be concluded in May 2020, with the approval of the updated strategy by CERN’s Council.
To inform this process, the particle-physics community has been invited to submit written input by 18 December 2018 [...]
02 November 2018
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2018-11-01 21:12 |
3 months of unlimited online access to more than 600 eBooks
/ Anais Schaeffer (ed.)
In collaboration with Bookboon (one of the largest publisher of ebooks in the world), we are delighted to announce unlimited online access to an eLibrary of over 600 titles on a wide-range of topics focusing on personal and professional development.
Learn how to present confidently and convincingly, master the art of negotiation or simply improve your time management and communication skills.
You will be able to download the eBooks directly as PDF and read them on any device.
Share this information more widely with all your colleagues and take this opportunity to discover the eLibrary. Based on viewing statistics and feedback, we will explore how to integrate the offer permanently in our learning offer.
Access the ebooks from the CERN LEARNING HUB from 1 October 2018 until 31 December 2018.
HR Department (HR-LD)
01 October 2018
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