CERN Accelerating science

CMS Conference Reports

Letzte Einträge:
CMS track reconstruction performance and tracking developments during Run 3 / Bruschini, Davide (INFN, Pisa ; Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore) /CMS Collaboration
The efficient and precise reconstruction of charged particle tracks is crucial for the overall performance of the CMS experiment. Prior to the beginning of the Run 3 at the LHC in 2022, the first layer of the Tracker Barrel Pixel subdetector was replaced in order to cope with the high pileup environment, and significant upgrades were made to the track reconstruction algorithms. [...]
CMS-CR-2024-176.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 7 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2024), Prague, Czech Republic, 18 - 24 Jul 2024

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Rare and forbidden decays / Wang, Zhangqier (MIT) /ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Recent measurements of rare decays involving the b-flavor changing neutral current at the CMS and ATLAS experiments are presented. The full set of optimized CP-averaged observables is measured in the angular analysis of the decay ${\mathrm{B}^0} \to \mathrm{K^{\ast 0}(892)} \mu^+\mu^-$ using CMS Run 2 data. [...]
CMS-CR-2024-156.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 8 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference, Boston, Us, 3 - 7 Jun 2024

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Ricerche di nuova fisica con oggetti pesanti ad alto boost di Lorentz in eventi con jet / Favilla, Leonardo (INFN, Naples) /CMS Collaboration
Le ricerche di nuova fisica nel regime con un elevato boost di Lorentz sono una parte cruciale del programma di fisica di LHC, in quanto potrebbero rivelare la presenza di nuove risonanze pesanti, previste da modelli di fisica oltre il Modello Standard a masse elevate. Nella collaborazione CMS, numerosi algoritmi di boosted-jet tagging sono stati sviluppati per identificare jet adronici che originano appunto dal decadimento di particelle del Modello Standard come quark top, bosoni di Higgs o bosoni vettori, e impiegati in una vasta gamma di analisi. [...]
CMS-CR-2024-151.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 8 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 20th Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie (IFAE 2024), Florence, Itlay, 3 - 5 Apr 2024

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Latest results on $B_c^+$ at ATLAS and CMS / Mastrapasqua, Vincenzo (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) /ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
The present report deals with recent results on the $B_c^+$ meson at the CMS and ATLAS experiments at the LHC: aspects such as the $B_c^+$ production, its decay mechanisms, and the observation of excited states are investigated..
CMS-CR-2023-194.- Geneva : CERN, 2023 - 6 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 20th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2023), Genova, Italy, 5 - 9 Jun 2023

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Recent results in hadron spectroscopy from CMS / Mastrapasqua, Vincenzo (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) /CMS Collaboration
The present report summarizes recent results on the heavy flavor spectroscopy at the CMS experiment obtained using data collected at the Large Hadron Collider during the 2015-2018 data taking with proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV the results range from the observation of new structures in the di-charmonium mass spectrum to the observation of new decay modes of beauty baryons such as $\Xi_b^-$ and $\Lambda_b^0$..
CMS-CR-2024-163.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 8 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 11th International Workshop on QCD - Theory and Experiment (QCD@Work 2024), Trani, Italy, 18 - 21 Jun 2024

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Higgs boson cross section and coupling measurements at CMS / Jan Lukas Spah /CMS Collaboration
This report discusses recent measurements of the couplings of the Higgs boson, as well as its inclusive and fiducial production cross sections, by the CMS experiment with data collected at the centre-of-mass energies of $13~\mathrm{TeV}$ and $13.6~\mathrm{TeV}$. The proceeding presents searches for $W^{\pm}H(b\overline{b})$ and $W^{\pm}W^{\pm}H(b\overline{b})$ production through vector-boson scattering and the measurement of $t\overline{t}H(b\overline{b})$ as well as the search for $tH(b\overline{b})$ production using $138~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of data collected at $\sqrt{s} = 13~\mathrm{TeV}$. Additionally, the measurements of Higgs boson production in the four-lepton and diphoton final states with data taken in 2022 at $\sqrt{s} = 13.6~\mathrm{TeV}$, corresponding to $34.7~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$, are discussed. The results agree with the standard model predictions..
CMS-CR-2024-172.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 7 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2024), Prague, Czech Republic, 18 - 24 Jul 2024

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Experimental overview of BSM searches (including resonant HH production) / Soffi, Livia (INFN, Rome) /ATLAS, CMS and LHCB Collaborations
This document summarizes recent results from ATLAS and CMS collaborations in searches for physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) using data from LHC Runs 2 and 3. It focuses on key BSM scenarios, including extended Higgs sectors, supersymmetry, heavy fermions, and the two-Higgs-doublet model with an additional pseudoscalar. [...]
CMS-CR-2024-169.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 14 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2024), Prague, Czech Republic, 18 - 24 Jul 2024

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Quality Control of LYSO Ce crystals for the CMS barrel MIP Timing Detector / Gargiulo, Ruben (INFN, Rome ; Rome U.) /CMS Collaboration
In the next years, the Large Hadron Collider will enter its High-Luminosity (HL-LHC) phase. Many CMS subsystems will be upgraded to maintain the current physics performance, despite the higher levels of pileup and radiation. [...]
CMS-CR-2024-103.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 3 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 16th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, La Biodola, Isola D'elba, Italy, 26 May - 1 Jun 2024

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Precision timing calorimetry with the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter / Lobanov, Artur (Hamburg U.) /CMS Collaboration
The existing CMS endcap calorimeters will be replaced with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) for operation at the High Luminosity (HL) LHC. Radiation hardness and excellent physics performance will be achieved by utilising silicon pad sensors and SiPM-on-scintillator tiles with high longitudinal and transverse segmentation. [...]
CMS-CR-2020-065.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - 8 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 3rd Conference on Calorimetry for the High Energy Frontier, Fukuoka, Japan, 25 - 29 Nov 2019

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Observations of double $J/\psi$ in $\rm pPb$ collisions and triple $J/\psi$ in $\rm pp$ collisions / Liu, Jinfeng (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Hu, Zhen (Tsinghua U., Beijing) /CMS Collaboration
Multi parton scattering (MPI) research has great importance in the field of high energy physics. Two recent outcomes of MPI studies conducted by the CMS collaboration at the LHC are presents. [...]
CMS-CR-2024-152.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 8 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 22nd Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, 27 - 31 May 2024

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