| Directors of Administration (849) |
| Rudolf Frans Heyn (Archives) (441) |
| Directors of Research (Archives) (803) |
| Giorgio Brianti (Archives) (88) |
| Mervyn G.N. Hine (Archives) (185) |
| Robert Lévy-Mandel (Archives) (1) |
| Günther Plass (Archives) (78) |
| Günther Ullman (Archives) (216) |
| Juan-Antonio Rubio, Spanish relations files (28) |
| Legal Service (Archives) (1,574) |
| CERN Utility Study and Second CERN Utility Study, CUS and SCUS (Archives) (18) |
| Strategic Planning Unit (Archives) (54) |
| Relations with Member and Non-Member States (Archives) (120) |
| VIP Office (Archives) (14) |
| Maximilian Metzger (Archives) (266) |
| Kjell Johnsen (Archives) (149) |
| Jos Engelen (Archives) (67) |
| Horst Wenninger (Archives) (67) |
| Hans Hoffmann (Archives) (102) |
| Juergen May (Archives) (18) |
| André John Naudi (Archives) (135) |
| Lucien Montanet, Russian relations files (50) |
| Maurice Jacob (Archives) (63) |
| Roy Billinge (Archives) (14) |
| Kurt Hübner (Archives) (15) |
| Karl-Heinz Kissler (Archives) (5) |
| Manfred Buhler-Broglin (Archives) (17) |
| Internal Audit (Private Archives) (18) [riservato] |
| Christian Roche, Associate Director for Forecasting and Planning (Archives) (63) |