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CERN Accelerating science

ABOUT E-learning
This CDS collection contains, mostly, very short videos, made by the CERN IT e-learning lightweight service, to promote features, tools, services and educational instructions. Edutech contains other views and material of the project. The CERN safety, management and language courses contain e-learning components as well. User Guide and FAQ in http://cern.ch/it-e-learning/

E-learning modules

e-Learning Logo
Tell us what you think about the videos in this category via e-learning.support@cern.ch

Latest additions:
CERNBox client installation - 2023 version / Ragozina, Elizaveta (author) (CERN) ; Martelly, Audrey Pascale (speaker) (Universite de Geneve (CH))
This short e-learning video is about the CERNBox client installation procedure for Mac, Windows and Linux.You will find the final video on CDS (e-learning collection) and also via https://twiki.cern.ch/Edutech/CERNBoxAudrey Martelly is a Geneva University student, interested in Web development and UI/UX issues. Elizaveta Ragozina is CERNBox Frontend developerEnjoy!
2023 - 119. e-learning External link: Event details In : CERNBox client installation - 2023 version

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CERNBox Sync a Share - 2023 version / Ragozina, Elizaveta (author) (CERN) ; Martelly, Audrey Pascale (speaker) (Universite de Geneve (CH))
This is a short e-learning video  that shows how to sync a shared folder in CERNBox. The CERNBox client installation procedure is explained in another video.You will find the final video on CDS (e-learning collection) and also via https://twiki.cern.ch/Edutech/CERNBoxAudrey Martelly is a Geneva University student, interested in Web development and UI/UX issues. Elizaveta Ragozina is CERNBox Frontend developerEnjoy!
2023 - 217. e-learning External link: Event details In : CERNBox Sync a Share - 2023 version

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CERNBox Share and Authenticated Share - 2023 version / Ragozina, Elizaveta (author) (CERN) ; Martelly, Audrey Pascale (speaker) (Universite de Geneve (CH))
This is a short e-learning video  that shows how to Share a link and how to do an Authenticated share on a folder in CERNBox.You will find the final video on CDS (e-learning collection) and also via https://twiki.cern.ch/Edutech/CERNBoxAudrey Martelly is a Geneva University student, interested in Web development and UI/UX issues. Elizaveta Ragozina is CERNBox Frontend developer.Enjoy!
2023 - 232. e-learning External link: Event details In : CERNBox Share and Authenticated Share - 2023 version

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Indico Conference Paper, Slides, Poster Edit / Ciabini, Luca (speaker) ; Ferreira, Pedro (author) (CERN)
In this short e-learning video you can walk through the new Paper, Slides, Poster Edit functionality in Indico Conference. Who and how informs the author of the need to re-edit. How the author re-submits the edited version. Luca Ciabini is 2020 volunteer CERN Summer Student, contributing from his home station. Enjoy!
2020 - 273. e-learning External link: Event details In : Indico Conference Paper, Slides, Poster Edit

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Indico Paper Peer Reviewing / Ciabini, Luca (speaker) ; Ferreira, Pedro (author) (CERN)
In this short e-learning video you can walk through the new Indico Paper Review and Edit functionality. Video sections include: Peer Review process for Indico Conference papers. The Judge's role in the process. Luca Ciabini is 2020 volunteer CERN Summer Student, contributing from his home station. Enjoy!
2020 - 259. e-learning External link: Event details In : Indico Paper Peer Reviewing

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Indico "room booking module" online tutorial - recording / De Sousa Vieira, Catarina Patricia (author) (Universite de Geneve (CH)) ; Ferreira, Pedro (speaker) (CERN)
This is a video explaining how to use the new Indico room booking module. The screen capture is done on the development server https://indico-staging.cern.ch/ just before entering production on the official https://indico.cern.ch/
2019 - 458. e-learning External link: Event details In : Indico "room booking module" online tutorial - recording

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Secure Print by default on Mac ENGLISH version - video tutorial / Kane, Natalie (speaker) (CERN)
This is a video explaining how to set secure print via a PIN code by default for  Mac. Video filmed by Catarina Vieira. More info in: EN: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0002514 FR: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0002719      
2019 - 317. e-learning External link: Event details In : Secure Print by default on Mac ENGLISH version - video tutorial

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Impression sécurisée par défaut pour Windows PC en français - tutoriel vidéo / Kane, Natalie (speaker) (CERN)
Une brève vidéo qui explique comment configurer votre PC Windows pour une impression sécurisée avec un code PIN par défaut. Cette vidéo a été filmée par Catarina Vieira. Plus d'info sur EN: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0002514 FR: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0002719
2019 - 311. e-learning External link: Event details In : Impression sécurisée par défaut pour Windows PC en français - tutoriel vidéo

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Impression sécurisée par défaut pour Mac en français - tutoriel vidéo / Kane, Natalie (speaker) (CERN)
Une brève vidéo qui explique comment configurer votre Mac pour une impression sécurisée avec un code PIN par défaut. Cette vidéo a été filmée par Catarina Vieira. Plus d'info sur EN: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0002514 FR: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0002719
2019 - 359. e-learning External link: Event details In : Impression sécurisée par défaut pour Mac en français - tutoriel vidéo

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Secure Print by default on Windows PC ENGLISH version - video tutorial / Kane, Natalie (speaker) (CERN)
This is a video explaining how to set secure print via a PIN code by default for Windows. Video filmed by Catarina Vieira. More info in: EN: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0002514 FR: https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0002719  
2019 - 265. e-learning External link: Event details In : Secure Print by default on Windows PC ENGLISH version - video tutorial

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