2005-08-19 13:00 |
Forward-backward asymmetries with quark jets
/ Albrow, M G ; Bøggild, H ; Cashmore, R ; Davier, M ; Ekelöf, T J C ; Gaillard, Mary Katherin ; Naroska, Beate ; Richard, F ; Winter, Klaus
The authors describe two methods to reach the weak coupling of the quarks by measuring the forward-backward asymmetries with jets produced in e+e− annihilation..
CERN, 1979
Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : LEP Summer Study, Les Houches, France, 10 - 22 Sep 1978, pp.537-552 (CERN-1979-001)
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2005-08-19 13:00 |
Study of heavy-lepton polarization in e+e− annihilation at the Z0 pole
/ Goggi, G
The annihilation process into lepton pairs e+e−→l+l− in the proximity of the Z0 peak yields information on the relative strength of the vector and axial couplings g/sub V/ and g /sub A/ through the cross-section energy dependence and the angular asymmetry of the final state leptons. The measurement of lepton polarization, besides providing a more sensitive test of the vector- axial mixture in the interaction, is the only way to determine the relative sign of g/sub V/ and g/sub A/, in the absence of polarized beams. [...]
CERN, 1979
Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : LEP Summer Study, Les Houches, France, 10 - 22 Sep 1978, pp.483-497 (CERN-1979-001)
Detailed record - Similar records
2005-08-19 13:00 |
Detailed record - Similar records
2005-08-19 13:00 |
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2005-08-07 04:03 |
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2005-08-07 04:03 |
Detailed record - Similar records
2005-08-07 04:03 |
Detailed record - Similar records
2005-08-07 04:03 |
Detailed record - Similar records
2005-08-07 04:03 |
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2005-08-07 04:03 |
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