CERN Accelerating science

IPPOG Resources

p-Pb collisions at LHC : interviews of 7 experts from the ALICE experiment / Hatzifotiadou, Despina (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
A collection of 7 views on the p-Pb run from experts with different roles (theoretical, experimental and machine physicists) who were closely involved on both the LHC and the ALICE side. The physics motivation for p-Pb collisions at the LHC is described as well the challenges involved for the production of the beams and their delivery to the experiments and, on the detector side, the preparations needed to absorb the high rates of the p-Pb collisions [...]
IPPOG-RDB-2024-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2014 - Published in : URS WIEDEMANN, theoretical physicist
- Published in : JOHN JOWETT, accelerator physicist and ion team leader
- Published in : REYES ALEMANY FERNANDEZ, Operations Group at the LHC
- Published in : PAOLO GIUBELLINO, ALICE Spokesperson
- Published in : FEDERICO ANTINORI, ALICE Physics Coordinator
- Published in : ANDREAS MORSCH, ALICE experimental physicist
- Published in : WERNER RIEGLER, ALICE Technical Coordinator Fulltext: JPEG;

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De quoi est fait l’Univers ? / Cacciatore, Fabiola (University of Notre Dame (US))
Author: Letizia Diamante Primary and Middle school English and French
IPPOG-RDB-2023-051.- Geneva : CERN, 2022 English: PDF; French: PDF; Fulltext: PNG;

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A Day with Particles / Potter, Connie (CERN)
A short film about one day in the life of a particle physicist..
IPPOG-RDB-2023-050.- Geneva : CERN, 2021 - Published in : Link to video Fulltext: PNG;

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The quantum prisoner / Lipari, Céline (CEA) ; Arlot, Julien (CEA)
The Quantum Prisoner is a browser-based game created by the CEA with the sole purpose of making science fun and more accessible. The game is completely free with no registration required (unless you want to share your game between several devices), no ads [...]
IPPOG-RDB-2023-049.- Geneva : CERN, 2021 - Published in : Game Fulltext: JPG;

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« The Higgs Discovery Explained » / Traczyk, Piotr (CERN)
First video in a series of three. How exactly do particle physicists observe and discover particles? This mini-series provides a simple explanation of the process, based of the discovery of the Higgs boson, starting from the role of particle accelerators..
IPPOG-RDB-2023-048.- Geneva : CERN, 2021 - Published in : Link to video Fulltext: JPG;

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Conservation of momentum in particle collisions / IASA, Athens (Greece)
Students will determine the total momentum from all particles tracked after a particle collision and they will calculate the missing momentum(magnitude & direction). Exercise of kinematics in particle physics
IPPOG-RDB-2023-047.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - Published in : Link to game Fulltext: PNG;

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Particle Jukebox / INFN, Institute (Italy)
Playlist of lectures for high school students about the history of Physics..
IPPOG-RDB-2023-046.- Geneva : CERN, 2021 - Published in : Playlist of videos Fulltext: PNG;

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CMS e-Lab / Cecire, Kenneth William (University of Notre Dame (US))
General information about the CMS, event analysis and even a motivational game for students. Various activities for student understanding..
IPPOG-RDB-2023-045.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - Published in : Link to website Fulltext: JPG;

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Cosmic Ray e-Lab / Cecire, Kenneth William (University of Notre Dame (US))
Various activities for student understanding
IPPOG-RDB-2023-044.- Geneva : CERN, 2023 - Published in : Link to website Fulltext: JPG;

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Raios Cósmicos nas Escolas / Leite, Marco (Universidade de Sao Paolo)
The site hosts a network of cosmic ray particle detectors that can be built and operated by high school students and teachers. The data measured by these network of detectors is available for any student and teacher, regardless of having the detector in the classroom..
IPPOG-RDB-2023-043.- Geneva : CERN, 2021 - Published in : Link to website Fulltext: PNG;

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