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CERN Accelerating science

L3 Reports

Senast inlagda poster:
Technical proposal : L3
CERN-LEPC-83-5 ; LEPC-P-4.
- 1983.
Full text - pt.1 - pt.2 - pt.3 - pt.4 - pt.5 - pt.6 - pt.7 - pt.8 - pt.9 - pt.10 - pt.11 - pt.12

Detaljerad journal - Similar records
Recent results from the L3 collaboration : lectures, Bucharest Univ., Apr. 1993 / Ting, Samuel C C
UBPUb-EPPG-PHYS-4. - Bucharest : Bucharest Univ. Exp. Part. Phys. Group, 1993. - 147 p.

CERN library copies
Detaljerad journal - Similar records