CERN Accelerating science

MoEDAL Notes

Latest additions:
Energy Losses of Magnetic Monopoles in Aluminum, Iron, and Copper / Patrizii, Laura (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT)) ; Sahnoun, Zouleikha (Universia e INFN, Bologna (IT)) /MoEDAL Collaboration
The Energy Losses and Ranges of magnetic monopoles (MMs) with magnetic charges 1𝑔D,2𝑔D,3𝑔D,6𝑔D and 9𝑔D in Aluminum, Iron (steel) in Copper and Silicon are computed, in different regimes of velocities. The Restricted Energy Losses (REL) of monopoles with magnetic charges 1𝑔D,2𝑔D and 3gD in CR39 Nuclear Track Detector (NTD) are also given..
MoEDAL-Note-2016-002.- Geneva : CERN, 2016 - 14. Fulltext: PDF;

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