2025-02-14 19:36 |

Reference: CERN-Brochure-2025-002-Eng
CERN smart mobility : Moving forward
Created: 2025. -12 p
Language: English
The Smart Mobility programme brings together all of CERN’s actions to transform mobility. Its objectives are to make travel comfortable, fluid and responsible, from, towards, between and within the Organization’s sites.
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2025-02-14 17:00 |

Reference: CERN-Brochure-2025-002-Fre
CERN smart mobility : Allons de l’avant
Created: 2025. -12 p
Language: French
Smart Mobility est un programme qui réunit toutes les actions du CERN en matière de transformation des mobilités. Ses objectifs : rendre les déplacements confortables, fluides et responsables, de, vers, entre et sur les sites de l’Organisation.
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2025-01-27 16:16 |

Reference: CERN-Brochure-2025-001-Eng
CERN’s Procurement Strategy 2025-2030
Created: 2025. -20 p
Language: English
This document sets out the CERN Procurement Service Strategy for 2025-2030. It is based on the views of the procurement team members and discussions with other key stakeholders. The journey of this document started with several workshops at which the participants defined the pillars of the strategy, the objectives for the coming years and the actions needed to achieve them.
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2024-10-03 15:39 |

Reference: CERN-Brochure-2024-004-Fre
CERN Supplier Code of Conduct Code de conduite des fournisseurs du CERN
Created: 2024. -12 p
Creator: Lopienska, Ewa
Language: French
Les fournisseurs jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’accomplissement de la mission de l’Organisation ; le CERN attend d’eux qu’ils respectent les droits humains reconnus internationalement et qu’ils se conforment aux normes les plus élevées en matière d’éthique tout au long de leur chaîne d’approvisionnement et dans toutes leurs interactions. Le présent Code de conduite définit les attentes du CERN envers ses fournisseurs et les principes qu’ils doivent respecter, aux fins de pratiques commerciales éthiques, durables et responsables. Pour pouvoir devenir partenaire commercial du CERN, chaque fournisseur doit adhérer au présent Code.
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2024-08-27 17:25 |

Reference: CERN-Brochure-2024-004-Eng
CERN Supplier Code of Conduct
Created: 2024. -12 p
Creator: Lopienska, Ewa
Language: English
Suppliers play a critical role in helping the Organization to achieve its mission, and CERN expects them to respect internationally proclaimed human rights and to adhere to the highest ethical standards throughout their supply chains and in all their interactions. This Code of Conduct outlines what CERN expects of its suppliers and the principles that apply to them, which place emphasis on ethical, sustainable and responsible business practices. To be eligible for CERN business, suppliers must acknowledge and adhere to this Code.
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2024-07-09 16:42 |

Reference: CERN-Brochure-2022-006-Eng
CERN Communication Strategy 2021-2015
Created: 2024. -28 p
Language: English
CERN’s Communications Strategy flows from the Lab’s strategic priorities. The overall architecture of the strategy is represented below. Based on the clear and concise articulation of the Organization’s vision and mission, strategic themes and messages were developed, for use in all communications activities.
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2024-07-09 16:28 |
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2024-02-19 16:16 |

Reference: CERN-Brochure-2024-001-Eng
CERN smart mobility : Moving forward
Created: 2024. -12 p
Language: English
The Smart Mobility programme brings together all of CERN’s actions to transform mobility. Its objectives are to make travel comfortable, fluid and responsible, from, towards, between and within the Organization’s sites.
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2024-02-19 16:09 |

Reference: CERN-Brochure-2024-001-Fre
CERN smart mobility : Allons de l’avant
Created: 2024. -12 p
Language: French
Smart Mobility est un programme qui réunit toutes les actions du CERN en matière de transformation des mobilités. Ses objectifs : rendre les déplacements confortables, fluides et responsables, de, vers, entre et sur les sites de l’Organisation.
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2023-12-05 11:10 |
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