2024-08-20 14:28 |
Studies of the power consumption for LHCb HLT1
/ Svintozelskyi, Volodymyr (speaker) (CERN)
The LHCb collaboration is currently using a pioneer data filtering system in the trigger system, based on real-time particle reconstruction in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). This corresponds to processing 5 TB/s of information and has required a huge amount of hardware and software development. [...]
2024 - 805.
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2024; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 14:28 |
/ Nappi, Antonio (speaker) (CERN)
2024 - 77.
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2024; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (1/2)
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (1/2)
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 12:43 |
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 12:43 |
CXL Memory Management for the CMS L1 Scouting System and Beyond
/ Paulino, Guilherme (speaker) (CERN)
This presentation explores innovative solutions to enhance the data processing capabilities of the CMS Level-1 Scouting System. With the High Luminosity LHC upgrade and the increase in data volumes, advanced techniques for trigger events selection and data processing are required. [...]
2024 - 339.
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2024; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 12:43 |
Virtual LHC: Simulating CERN's Particle Accelerator in NVIDIA Omniverse
/ Sharma, Saumy (speaker)
This project aims to create a comprehensive digital twin of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) using NVIDIA's Omniverse platform. By leveraging advanced 3D modeling, real-time simulation, and collaborative tools, we will develop a highly accurate virtual representation of the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator. [...]
2024 - 495.
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2024; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 12:43 |
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 11:16 |
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 11:16 |
Connecting REANA and the CERN-VRE: a JupyterLab extension middleware
/ Perez Mercado, Ruben (speaker)
CERN's VRE (Virtual Research Environment) is an analysis facility that allows users to use a distributed data lake infrastructure (RUCIO) together with a distributed software service (CVMFS) to run their scripts and workflows on a reproducibility-oriented scientific analysis platform (REANA). Having the right middleware in place would simplify the use of these services by scientific users, allowing them to focus on their scientific projects instead of dealing with increasingly complex IT infrastructures. [...]
2024 - 321.
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2024; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 11:16 |
Evaluation of HPC Storage Systems for HEP Analyses
/ Mehrabi, Asal (speaker) (cern)
High-performance computing (HPC) storage systems are critical to the efficient execution of high-energy physics (HEP) analyses, which involve processing vast amounts of data generated by particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This project evaluates various HPC storage solutions in terms of their performance, scalability, and suitability for HEP data processing workflows. [...]
2024 - 343.
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2024; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks (2/2)
Detaljerad journal - Similar records
2024-08-20 11:14 |
Detaljerad journal - Similar records