CERN Accelerating science

PBC Conference papers and slides

უკანასკნელი დამატებები:
Expanding the CERN ion injector chain capabilities: new beam dynamics simulation tools for future ion species / Waagaard, Elias Walter (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH)) ; Alemany Fernandez, Reyes (CERN) ; Bartosik, Hannes (CERN) ; Bruce, Roderik (CERN) ; Soubelet, Felix (CERN)
The present ion physics program in the CERN accelerator complex is mainly based on lead (208Pb82+) ion beams. Lighter ions have been considered both by the ALICE3 detector upgrade proposal at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) -- as a potential way to achieve higher integrated nucleon-nucleon luminosity compared to the present Pb beams -- and also by the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) fixed-target experiment NA61/SHINE [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2024-007.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 4. Fulltext: PDF;

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Background mitigation concepts for SUPER-NaNu / Stummer, Florian Wolfgang (University of London (GB)) ; Andersen, Emily Marie (University of Bergen (NO)) ; Banerjee, Dipanwita (CERN) ; Baratto Roldan, Anna (CERN) ; Bernhard, Johannes (CERN) ; Boogert, Stewart Takashi (University of Manchester (GB)) ; Brugger, Markus (CERN) ; Charitonidis, Nikolaos (CERN) ; Dyks, Luke Aidan (University of Oxford (GB)) ; Gatignon, Lau (Lancaster University (GB)) et al.
Super-NaNu is a proposed neutrino experiment as part of the SHADOWS proposal for the high intensity facility ECN3 in CERN’s North Area. It aims to detect neutrino interactions downstream of a beam-dump that is exposed to a 400 GeV/c high intensity proton beam from the SPS. [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2024-006.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 4. Fulltext: PDF;

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Beam loss studies for the P42 beamline at the CERN SPS North Area / Dyks, Luke Aidan (University of Oxford (GB)) ; Ahdida, Claudia (CERN) ; Banerjee, Dipanwita (CERN) ; Baratto Roldan, Anna (CERN) ; Bernhard, Johannes (CERN) ; Brugger, Markus (CERN) ; Charitonidis, Nikolaos (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Gatignon, Lau (Lancaster University (GB)) ; Goillot, Alice Marie (CERN) et al.
The P42 beamline transports 400 GeV protons from the CERN SPS between the T4 and T10 targets. A secondary particle beam is produced at the T10 target and transported along the K12 beamline to the experimental cavern ECN3, presently housing the NA62 experiment. [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2024-005.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 4. Fulltext: PDF;

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Characterisation of the optics of the TT24 and P42 beamlines in the CERN SPS North Area / Dyks, Luke Aidan (University of Oxford (GB)) ; Banerjee, Dipanwita (CERN) ; Baratto Roldan, Anna (CERN) ; Bernhard, Johannes (CERN) ; Brugger, Markus (CERN) ; Charitonidis, Nikolaos (CERN) ; Fraser, Matthew Alexander (CERN) ; Gatignon, Lau (Lancaster University (GB)) ; Goillot, Alice Marie (CERN) ; Gorn, Aleksandr (CERN) et al.
400 GeV protons extracted from the CERN SPS are transported to the T4 target via the TT20 transfer line. The P42 beamline then transports the protons that did not interact in the T4 target to the T10 target. [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2024-004.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 4. Fulltext: PDF;

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SIMULATION STUDIES OF LASER COOLING FOR THE GAMMA FACTORY PROOF-OF-PRINCIPLE EXPERIMENT AT THE CERN SPS / Kruyt, Peter Martin (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE)) ; Gamba, Davide (CERN) ; Franchetti, Giuliano (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
The Gamma Factory proof-of-principle (GF PoP) experi- ment at the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN aims at demonstrating laser cooling of high energy Li-like Pb79+ in a synchrotron. First, we present laser cooling simula- tions with realistic laser and beam parameters of the GF PoP experiment at the SPS. [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2024-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 Fulltext: PDF;

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The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC / Feng, Jonathan L. (UC, Irvine) ; Kling, Felix (DESY) ; Reno, Mary Hall (Iowa U.) ; Rojo, Juan (NIKHEF, Amsterdam ; Vrije U., Amsterdam) ; Soldin, Dennis (Delaware U.) ; Anchordoqui, Luis A. (Lehman Coll.) ; Boyd, Jamie (CERN) ; Ismail, Ahmed (Oklahoma State U.) ; Harland-Lang, Lucian (Oxford U. ; Oxford U., Theor. Phys.) ; Kelly, Kevin J. (CERN) et al.
High energy collisions at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produce a large number of particles along the beam collision axis, outside of the acceptance of existing LHC experiments. The proposed Forward Physics Facility (FPF), to be located several hundred meters from the ATLAS interaction point and shielded by concrete and rock, will host a suite of experiments to probe Standard Model (SM) processes and search for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) [...]
arXiv:2203.05090; UCI-TR-2022-01; CERN-PBC-Notes-2022-001; INT-PUB-22-006; BONN-TH-2022-04; FERMILAB-PUB-22-094-ND-SCD-T.- Geneva : CERN, 2023-01-20 - 413 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 50 (2023) 030501 Fulltext: FERMILAB-PUB-22-094-ND-SCD-T - PDF; 2203.05090 - PDF; blank - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server; eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.030501

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The Gamma Factory Project at CERN: a New Generation of Research Tools Made of Light / Gamma Factory Working Group Collaboration
The Gamma Factory project offers the possibility of creating novel re- search tools by producing relativistic beams of highly ionised atoms in CERN’s accelerator complex and exciting their atomic degrees of freedom by lasers to produce strongly collimated high-energy photon beams. Inten- sity of such beams would exceed by several orders of magnitude the ones offered by the presently operating light sources, in the particularly interest- ing energy domain from about 100 keV to above 400 MeV. [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2021-005.- 2020 - 8 p. - Published in : Acta Phys. Pol. B Proc. Suppl. 13 (2020) 645-652
In : 45th Congress of Polish Physicists, Cracow, Poland, 13 - 18 Sep 2019, pp.645-652

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Gamma Factory for CERN initiative - progress report / Dutheil, Yann (CERN) ; Abramov, Andrey (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Alden, Siobhan (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Alemany Fernandez, Reyes (CERN) ; Antsiferov, Pavel (Troitsk, IZMIRAN) ; Apyan, Armen (NAS Armenia, Yerevan) ; Bartosik, Hannes (CERN) ; Bessonov, Evgeny (Lebedev Inst.) ; Biancacci, Nicolo (CERN) ; Bieron, Jacek (Jagiellonian U.) et al.
The Gamma Factory (GF) initiative proposes to use partially stripped ion (PSI) beams as drivers of a new type of high-intensity and high-energy (0.1–400 MeV) photon source. As part of the ongoing Physics Beyond Collider studies, initial beam tests were carried out in 2017 and 2018 at the SPS and LHC with partially stripped xenon and lead beams [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2021-006.- SISSA, 2020 - 10 p. - Published in : PoS EPS-HEP2019 (2020) 020 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
In : European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) 2019, Ghent, Belgium, 10 - 17 Jul 2019, pp.020

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Challenges for the Electric Field Devices for a CERN Proton EDM Storage Ring / Borburgh, J (CERN) ; Atanasov, M (CERN) ; Goddard, B (CERN) ; Jorat, L (CERN) ; Sgobba, S (CERN)
In the framework of the Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) study at CERN, the Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) working group is investigating the feasibility of building an approximately 500 m circumference storage ring to precisely measure the permanent electric dipole moment of the proton. Protons are stored in an EDM ring at the so-called `magic' energy of 233 MeV using only electric field elements in order to ensure that spin and momentum vectors precess horizontally at the same rate. [...]
CERN-PBC-CONF-2021-007.- Sept - 4 p. - Published in : 10.1109/DEIV.2018.8537088
In : 28th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, pp.765-768

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Studies for New Experiments at the CERN M2 Beamline within "Physics Beyond Colliders": AMBER/COMPASS++, NA64$\mu$, MuonE / NA64 collaboration
The "Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC)" study explores fundamental physics opportunities at the CERN accelerator complex complementary to collider experiments. Three new collaborations aim to exploit the M2 beamline in the North Area with existing high-intensity muon and hadron beams, but also aspire to go beyond the current M2 capabilities with a RF-separated, high intensity hadron beam, under study. [...]
arXiv:1911.01498; CERN-PBC-Notes-2021-009.- 2020-07-27 - 7 p. - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc. 2249 (2020) 030035 Fulltext: PDF;
In : The 15th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, MENU-2019, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Of America, 2 - 7 Jun 2019, pp.030035

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