CERN Accelerating science


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Laboratory realization of relativistic pair-plasma beams: an experimental platform at HiRadMat - CERN
Reference: Poster-2024-1189
Keywords:  CERN HiRadMat
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Stergiou, Vasiliki

Relativistic outflows enriched with electron-positron pair plasma can be found in various highly energetic astrophysical environments, e.g. around active galactic nuclei, black holes or in the jets of gamma ray bursts. Plasma instabilities associated with such pair-dominated outflows play an important role in explaining their energy dissipation and the radiative signatures we observe from these objects on Earth. In our last experiment, HRMT62 [1], inaugurating a newly developed experimental platform for such studies at the HiRadMat facility of CERN [2,3], high intensity, high density, ultra-relativistic, quasi-neutral electron- positron pair beam production was achieved, opening up the possibility to study the microphysics of such pair plasmas via experimental means. In the follow-up experiment, HRMT64, modifications including a secondary target and a magnetic collimating setup will be introduced in order to study the emergence of magnetic fields associated with the growth of filamentation instabilities as collimated relativistic pair-plasma beams propagate through ambient plasma; an analogue for the propagation of astrophysical pair jets through intergalactic medium.

© CERN Geneva


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Flow and correlation measurements at LHCb
Reference: Poster-2024-1188
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Lian, Zhengchen; Wang, Jianqiao

Particle correlations are powerful tools for studying quantum chromodynamics in hadron collisions. In heavy-ion collisions, azimuthal angular correlations probe collective phenomena in hot, dense, nuclear media, such as QGP. Angular correlations in small collision systems could point to QGP production or potential initial-state correlations. The LHCb experiment has the unique ability to study particle correlations in high-energy hadron collisions at forward rapidity, complementing the results from other experiments. In this contribution, recent results on collective flow from the LHCb experiment will be discussed

Presented at 12th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Jp 22 - 27 Sep 2024 2024 , (list conference papers) Related links:
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Exploring hadronization with heavy-flavor jets with LHCb
Reference: Poster-2024-1187
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Durham, John Matthew

Understanding the nonperturbative process of hadronization is a persistent goal in experimental studies of QCD. Since heavy quark production is suppressed at the hadronization scale, heavy-flavor hadrons offer a high-precision probe of the connection between theoretical calculations and experimental final states. Jets containing different flavors of these heavy hadrons, reconstructed across a broad range of jet transverse momentum, explore the dependence of local hadronic formation at different partonic mass scales with distinct final states. Furthermore, quarkonia production in jets explores the intersection between the parton shower, where gluons split into heavy quark-antiquark pairs, and the production of closed heavy-flavor hadrons. Jet substructure can also be used to probe the formation of exotic hadrons, whose structure is still not well understood. This talk presents recent studies of hadronization using heavy-flavor jets detected with the LHCb detector. These studies include inclusive hadron production in heavy-flavor jets, as well as quarkonia and tetraquark production in jets. Results are compared to various models of hadronization, providing strong new constraints on theoretical predictions of confinement in jets.

© CERN Geneva


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Helium identification and production at LHCb
Reference: Poster-2024-1186
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Berkey, Julie Lane Marie

In this contribution, recent results for helium identification and production at LHCb will be discussed. From √sNN = 13 TeV pp collisions, a nearly background-free sample of more than 105 helium candidates is identified by their ionisation losses in the silicon detectors, combined with information from the calorimeter, the muon chambers and the RICH detector. Combined with the excellent LHCb vertexing capabilities, (anti)helium production from (anti)hypertriton or (anti)Lambda-b decays is studied. In both cases, a rich programme of QCD and astrophysics interest, exemplifying LHCb flexibility in exploring new research fields, is foreseen.

© CERN Geneva


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Recent studies of open charm production at LHCb
Reference: Poster-2024-1185
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Luo, Yiheng

Open charm production is a sensitive probe of both hot and cold nuclear matter effects. Charm meson production provides strong constraints on nuclear parton distributions, while charm baryon and strange charm hadron production can be used to probe strangeness- and baryon-enhancing hot QCD effects, respectively. The LHCb detector is designed to study heavy flavor hadrons at the LHC, providing unique opportunities to study open charm production in heavy ion collisions. In this contribution, recent LHCb results on open charm production will be discussed, as well as their comparisons with recent theoretical models.

© CERN Geneva


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Strangeness studies in LHCb heavy-ion collisions
Reference: Poster-2024-1184
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Wang, Jianqiao

Strange hadron production provides information about the hadronization process in high-energy hadron collisions. Strangeness enhancement has been interpreted as a signature of quark-gluon plasma formation in heavy-ion collisions, and recent observations of strangeness enhancement in small collisions systems have challenged conventional hadronization models. With its forward geometry and excellent particle identification capabilities, the LHCb detector is well-suited to study strangeness production in a unique kinematic region. Recent studies of strangeness production with the LHCb detector will be presented, including measurements of strangeness enhancement in the charm- and beauty-hadron systems

© CERN Geneva


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SMOG2: a high-density gas target at the LHCb experiment
Reference: Poster-2024-1183
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Fabiano, Federica

In preparation to the LHC Run3, the LHCb gaseous fixed-target, SMOG, was upgraded to offer higher instantaneous luminosity by up to two orders of magnitude with respect to Run2, new gases, including non-noble ones such as hydrogen, and an increased experimental accuracy. Since 2022, LHCb is working with two independent collision points and as a collider and a fixed-target experiment simultaneously, a unique opportunity in the scientific panorama. In this contribution, the performance of the system from the 2024 acquired data, the first obtained results and the physics prospects for the incoming years will be presented.

© CERN Geneva


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Studies of Nucleon Structure at LHCb
Reference: Poster-2024-1182
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Da Silva, Cesar Luiz

The LHCb detector’s forward geometry provides unprecedented access to the very low regions of Bjorken x inside the nucleon. LHCb is able to study charged and neutral light hadron production, as well as relatively rare probes such as heavy quark. These data provide unique constraints on nuclear parton distributions. This contribution will discuss recent LHCb measurements sensitive to the low-x structure of nucleons, and discuss the impact of recent LHCb measurements on global analyses of nuclear parton distributions

© CERN Geneva


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A History of the ATLAS Experiment: Roll-up banners (ITALIAN)
Reference: Poster-2024-1181
Keywords:  ATLAS Experiment  CERN History
Created: 2024. -5 p
Creator(s): Anthony, Katarina

Series of exhibition banners on the history of the ATLAS Experiment. Covers milestones from 1992 to today. Translated into Italian by the ATLAS Italia Outreach team.

© CERN Geneva


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Reference: Poster-2024-1180
Note: FCC Futur Collisionneur Circulaire Progrès de l'étude Christophe Grojean Collisionneur EXPLORER L’INCONNU
Created: 2024. -15 p

Dans le cadre de l’événement : “Progrès dans l’étude de faisabilité du Futur Collisionneur Circulaire du CERN”, présentation de Christophe Grojean sur “EXPLORER L’INCONNU“

© CERN Geneva


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Open Days 2013 Posters (58)
Open Days 2019 Posters (299)